About,  My spreadsheet brain

Feature Friday: Yours truly

On Feature Friday I feature people, products or just random things that I think are pretty cool. My aim is to leave you a little bit more enlightened and inspired! And hey, I’m open to new things, so please hollar at , if you have any pretty cool FF suggestions. 


In lieu of my week being super crazy and the fact that it’s my blog and I can feature if I want to, I’ve decided to share a little bit about myself in this weeks FF 🙂

I’m the wife of a really talented musician and together we have 3 kids: his, mine and ours!

A little bit more about me…
Well, to start at the beginning: growing up, I was only ever interested in reading story books and writing fairy tales and short stories. In fact, I wanted to be the next Enid Blyton. That soon evolved into song and script writing (and me wanting to be the next Mariah Carey). And then one day, I discovered that Facebook has a “Notes” section… and voila! a blogger was born!

Besides for this amazing and oh so witty blog (self proclaimed), I also write for an online Christian newspaper called Gateway News, where I focus predominately on music, reviews and other such things. I really love the paper and it’s vision! I am also a contributor for J-Star BloMag, which is a really funky online blog magazine.

I love making stuff but I’m one of those kindsa people who are very good at thinking up amazing things to craft but the end result never quite looks the way it did in my head. I am a member of my church’s worship team, where I help with directing the choir and I totally love singing and even more so for God. I always joke around and say that spreadsheets are my thing, because I thrive on planning and being organised, with color coded lists and charts. I’m quite a nut job.

About 2 years ago, I married the love of my life, who also happens to be the opposite of organised and is pretty much always in “anything goes!” mode. Lets just say, if we lived in Microsoft Land and I was Excel, then he would be Paint.

We each have a son – his is 9 years old and mine will be 14 in November (whaaat?) Together, we have an adorable little girl who will be 1 in October.
So technically, I am a mom of 3! Yep, my mind gets blown by that fact every single day.

1. So… who are you?
I am a compulsive/obsessive organiser who also happens to be creative and really lazy at times. Its a bit of both worlds really. 

2. You’re a feature today, because I think you’re pretty cool 🙂 Why do you think you’re cool?
So I just called myself “pretty cool” 🙂 I think I’m a pretty decent person. I’m a little bit TOOOO compassionate at times… like, when I cry for TV ads or when I feel bad while eating a boiled egg because I know that I’m actually eating a foetus. 

3. What is your favorite thing at the moment?
Essence nail polish (Clicks brand). Love love love! 

4. If you could change one thing today, what would it be?
I would rewind to where my son was 5 years old and just enjoy those moments with him. He grew up so fast! 

5. Learnt how to make anything recently? What was it?
Hmmm… I learnt how to make this amazing yogurt lemon meringue tart the other day! I am generally a “salty” kinda girl, when it comes to the “cakes or pies” table. But I am a big lemon meringue fan. I mean, I would bathe in the stuff, if I was given the opportunity. 

6. Share your favorite tip/trick:
Tip of the week: When washing your hair, always make sure that your last few rinses are with cold water. I’ve found that it somehow gives your hair extra shine. True story! 

7. Imagine we’re your kids 🙂 now imagine you had to share a life lesson with us. What would it be?
It’s okay to be exactly who God has made you to be! You don’t have to be anyone else, look like anyone else or do what everyone else is doing! 


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