
My Spreadsheet Brain focuses on parenting, marriage and faith. Creator and editor, Luchae Williams, is a young mom of 4 (soon to be 5!), wife to 1 and co-host of the #ECMeetUp – an annual bloggers conference held in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.

stop asking me to have another baby

Hello, my name is Luchae. Welcome to my brain. ‘My Spreadsheet Brain’ to be exact. Why “spreadsheet brain”? Well, because I am a list making, color coordinating, calendar-checking nut job and I use the term a lot when trying to explain why I do the things I do.

I love writing about life as a mom of four – one opinionated teen, one handsome step son, one totally girly toddler and one drums-crazy little boy. We are expecting our newest addition in August 2019!

On the blog, I chat about stuff like marriage (I married a rockstar, btw) and just life in general. It’s a crazy world out there and we’ve got to keep it together up here *taps forehead*, ya know?

Expect to find a lot of info wrt pregnancy, child rearing, how to make your family not hate you and a bunch of other stuff that people may find interesting on a Friday afternoon at 4pm, when you’re ready to go home but it’s not home time yet.

If you spot the occasional review on my site, it is all my honest opinion. I swear. You can count on me.

I’m just a regular gal trying to stay regular (haha, but no, seriously). My aim is to always keep it real, say what I feel and feel what I’m saying. My life may not be Hollywood perfect, but it is perfectly imperfect and just right for me!

Other stuff you may want to know: This blog was voted ‘Best Marriage Blog’ runner up in the 2019 South African Parenting Blog Awards. It was also awarded ‘Best Parenting Blog’ and ‘Best Spiritual Blog’ runner up at the 2018 SA Blog Awards; ‘Best Parenting Blog’ runner up spot in the 2016 SA Blog Awards and the ‘Best Spiritual Blog’ runner up at the 2017 SA Blog Awards.