What's in your hand
Heart matters

What’s in your hand

You know, the fun part about having a blog (or even a social media account for that matter), is that you get to go back ‘into time’ and check out where you were at yesteryear. The other day I checked out a few of my previous blog posts and found something that I had posted on 15 July 2011 that totally hit me right in the face. The post, titled I’m a writer, because I write, speaks about how I feel that I cant be a writer because I’m not authoring a book, or penning for a magazine. I did not feel good enough. I love this post because I remember the revelation that I received from it: What’s in your hand?

What is on your heart? What do you feel that you have been called to do? Does it seem impossible/big/unreachable? Well, most times, if it’s a God-dream, then it probably will look bigger than you. And that’s great! Because that means that He has set it up so that you NEED Him to do this with you. You can do anything that you can dream! Why? Because God is the dream-giver and He equips us to do exactly what we were born to do. That’s why!

In 2013, I followed my heart, and contacted Gateway News, asking Andre if I could assist as a freelance reporter. Keep in mind that I am unschooled in the area of Journalism. I did not study it. I know nothing about it, besides for what my Journo friends have shared and what I saw on Anchorman (whaaaat?) Andre took a chance on me, as he does with so many other people with a heart to serve in his ministry, and after the first 2 articles I knew that this was what I was meant to be doing. I’m not exactly Debora Patta. But I know that God did not place a dream on my heart and a skill in my hand for me to sit around with and feel sorry for myself. Since joining Gateway, my writing skill has grown and I totally enjoy being the online newspaper’s official music reviewer.

I have friends who have left their steady incomes, and risked it all, to follow their hearts and become restaurateurs or small business owners, full time musicians, full time students and work from home parents. It works because it’s been designed to work. The bigger risk is to try to live life outside of the grand design and outside of the will of God!

Can I just encourage you today to take a step of faith towards YOUR destiny – to be who you are meant to be and do what you are meant to do. Take a leap today! You will not regret it.

Here’s a snippet from my 2011 post:
“Being a writer… being a ANYTHING… would require you to START. If I want to be a singer, it would mean that I sing. If I am a horse rider, it means that I actually go out and ride horses. And If I am a writer, it would mean that I write stuff. These things do not require me to have some sort of a social status. The monetary value and popularity of my works do not add or take away from them. All it needs is DOING. And my lack thereof, would lessen the truth in the title. With that said: I am many things.”

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