
3 perfect babyshowers, 2 blessed parents, 1 loved baby girl… {1st Year Birthday Celebrations}

Our curly girly turns 1 on the 31st October, and we’re spinning around in circles, like “huh?! did that just happen?!” For the next few days, sometimes in my blog, but mostly in my head, I will be reminiscing on my glorious pregnant days and all the prep that went into making sure the transition from womb to world was an amazing one.

Looking back to when I found out I was pregnant,  my pregnancy and even the other little things we got to experience, like the 4D Scan, it’s evident that God’s hand is on our lives and that of our baby girl. This girl has been BLESSED (and no, I’m not throwing that word around loosely like a rap song). God has provided for her supernaturally and abundantly and we can boast in His goodness! We also have amazing friends and family who should be given an award or something 🙂 It’s true what the Bible says… Seek God first, put Him first, and He will see to everything else in your life.

We were blessed to have 3 babyshowers. Yep, not 1. Not 2. THREE. I don’t even know how I made it through 3 sets of “guess whats in the gift bag” 🙂 Each party was perfectly planned – the various party planners had taken me and all my hopes and dreams for Curly, into consideration and incorporated it into their decor and theme. I appreciated that so much!

Baby shower 1: 
I am blessed with an amazing support structure – family by choice! My church family at Word of Faith Christian Centre, in Port Elizabeth, hosted a Princess Babyshower for my little princess! They knew that my curly was to be my special princess and that I have a thing for tiaras (I really, really do! Does that make me weird?)

Complete with a princess cake, a hand made name board, and a journal for everyone to write their blessings to Curly, this baby shower was perfect! The amazing team of friends who helped to pull it together did a fantastic job! I was blessed out of my socks!

Baby shower 2: 
Hubstopher and I were blessed with another fun baby shower, this time thrown by our awesome families! They somehow got him involved too and he spilled the beans a bit about me calling our girl a ballerina princess. So this shower had all sorts of ballerina in it, including games where I had to dance! I mean, I don’t look particularly amazing when I’m dancing, so picture me doing it with a big tummy too!

I loved the pretty nappy cake (good enough to eat) and the themed cupcakes and all the ballerina decor! Oh and I got to wear a tiara again. Score!

Wish I had more pics to brag with! Everything was so pretty and I felt so special!

Baby shower 3: 
Look, at this point I was just about to pop! We had almost everything that we needed and it was FINALLY my last day at work when lo and behold, I walk into our bistro to find all kinds of pink going on! My amazing colleagues totally spoilt me with a baby shower during our tea break and then told me to go home early. Double, triple, score to the 100th degree!

My then manager was the kindest soul (she’s still very much alive, but not with the company anymore) and she had really gone ALL OUT to bless us and our baby. The gifts were amazing and I felt so appreciated.

After all 3 baby showers, I remember laying there looking at our overloaded cot that had been filled with all the loot from the parties. Everything needed to be unpacked and washed and packed away. Her cot and chest of drawers needed to be moved into place. In fact I suddenly had the urge to rearrange my entire house! Yes, the urge to “nest” is real! I realized that I still had a ton to do before Curly arrived.Eventually it all came together.

The deep realization of how loved and blessed we are just struck us hard and made us even more excited for our future with our family of 5! We love how God looks after us!

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