Heart matters

Okay 2016… now what?

IMG_20160105_121139[1]I’m in a weird space lately. I mean, I love new beginnings. I love the beginning of a new week or a new month and I’ve always loved the start of a new year. Why? Because these “beginnings” symbolise a freshness… a new start… another opportunity to make the best out of what you have and a challenge to aim higher and dig deeper. But the beginning of 2016 held no such joy for me.

I will blatantly blame the fact that I’ve worked right through December and did not take my annual leave as per norm. So perhaps my overtired brain needs a reboot. But I also think that 2015 has been such a challenge that it’s left me in need of a little bit of a Hope injection.

Don’t get me wrong. I know that God is for me. I know the plans He has for me and my family are to prosper us. I know that nothing can get in the way of His destiny for us, if we hold on to Him. I know all of that stuff. I know it’s the truth too. But sometimes, when you’ve been waiting for your breakthrough to…well… break through… then human nature kicks in. This is when I have to give my flesh a stern talking to and a polite reminder that “Hello! This is just part of the process… part of the journey… you’re still on your way, sister! Take a chill pill and enjoy the scenery!”

I read a blog post the other day by Laverne over at Shell Shocked Mummy about how she literally had to sit herself down and write out her vision for herself and start having the faith that all the desires planted in her heart would actually come to pass. Isn’t it funny how our biggest enemy can sometimes be ourselves? While reading her story, I came to realize that I, too, had to overcome MY OWN THINKING and fix my thoughts on what God says about me and my future and the desires He has planted in my heart. And so I’ve decided to follow Laverne’s advice and write it all out and begin to TRUST God for it.

I am not going to sit around and settle for “normal” or “just getting by” anymore. I am not satisfied with it. I am not content. I want more. I want what’s MINE! And I am definitely, 100%, certainly sure that my Daddy God has so much more for me! That’s what I am trusting Him for 2016.

Trust means that I am willing to take a step of faith. And as I move in faith, so my faith moves God. And, sister, when God moves, things happen!

So here I am, 2016. Get ready.

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