

Today’s nails are the final prompt of the Nail Link Up SA challenge. This weeks theme is aptly named New Years Eve and I was going to go with glitterati galore but I thought “nah”. Literally. That’s all I thought. No clever explanation.

I decided to follow my heart (as one does with this kind of thing 😉 and use my new Sinful Colors polishes (Christmas gift from my sister). One is a lovely dark brown polish called Nirvana and the other a pretty turquoisey green called Mint Apple. I really love this teal polish. It has a bit of a shimmer and it goes on so nicely!

Here’s a pic of the colors in a more natural light:

I painted the brown on my pinky, thumb, pointy and the teal on my ring and middle.
I then used a toothpicks to make the dots. I found that a toothpick works so much better than a nail art tool. What do you think?

If you’d like to check out the previous prompts, follow my links:
Pink Christmas
Wrap all the presents
Let it sparkle
Oh Christmas tree

Happy New Year to you and yours!
Be safe!

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