
7 Easy Nail Art Tutorials

I use to have a favorite thing to do, in the privacy of my room, when no one was watching. No, not sing karaoke, with a hair brush for a mic. Who do you think I am, Susan? Seriously. *cough* Nay, my hobby was to practice doing fancy nail art tricks on myself. For a long time I had the aspiration to be a world famous nail artist, who, you know, did Beyonce’s nails inbetween shows, and stuff. That dream has since passed (and the crowd goes: “yayy”) because, let’s face it, I was pretty putrid at nail art. And I’m just not patient enough to sit and do Beyonce’s nails. Or any other person’s actually. But I mean, if I could turn down Beyonce, that says a lot.

Anyways, in my years of attempting to do my own nails, I picked up quite a few easy nail art tutorials that really helped me. I mean, honestly, they don’t require a lot of brain work and you can literally do them with stuff you find in the kitchen. But, while going through my blog posts the other day, I found a bunch of them and was like, “hey, I really should share this with the world… again…” So, I’m re-sharing them with you guys. Please don’t laugh. But if you really have to, atleast scroll through your phone randomly, and pretend to be laughing for something else. Here are 7 easy nail art tutorials:

Newspaper Nail Art

I share this tutorial often because it’s probably the one that I am most pleased with. Newspaper print makes for excellent nail art and all you need is some strips of newspaper and a bowl of water. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Plus it looks really cute on shorter nails. How’s that for a score? Read more…

Glitter Nail Art

If you’re looking to score some trendy points, without really doing much, how about giving this glitter mani a go. Simply apply your fave glitter polish on the bottom edge of your nails (I prefer dabs, not strokes) and ta daaaa! Instant stardom. Read more…

Nail Art using Holostripes

This is another favorite of all my nail tuts, because I once again show that you don’t need an expensive nail polish in order to get the best results! These Pretty Paints cost like, 25 bux, and are stunning! Worried about premature chipping? With the right base coat and top coat, you can extend your mani life. Read more…


Polka Dot Nail Art

One of my proudest mani moments (which says a lot about my capacity to do nail art) was when I figured out how make these pretty polka dots, using a hair grip. I know, right?! Genius, Papa! Check out this tut to see how I did it. Read more…

The Sponge Effect

I once took a kitchen sponged (a new one, duh) and tried to do some nail art with it. The result? Meh. BUT it did inspire this little beaut. What do you think? Would you try something like this? The tutorial features a matte paint, but I think it would look better with a glossy finish. Read more…

Leopard Print Nail Art

If you’re looking to channel your inner Jersey Shore, how about this leopard print manicure? All you need is… well, love… but also, a koki pen (fiber tip marker)! Don’t worry, your base coat, and polish, will protect your nail from the koki and it comes off in a jiffy. Read more…

The Scribbled Look

One of my more, uh, higher grade tutorials include using a plastic baggie. That’s right girl! I said plastic bag! What do you think about this scribbled nail art though? You could literally do any pattern but my mommy-brain did not allow for it. Read more…

So what do you guys think? Which of these would you try?

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