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A tale of diarrhea and Pediasure Complete {Giveaway!}

pediasure completeI never thought I’d ever have to supplement my toddler’s meals with formula… until the night that she pooped in my bed and the smell woke my 2 month old baby up. Yes, that’s my opening line and I’m sticking with it. It was a messy affair – one that I’m sure many moms have had to endure atleast once in their lives. But it’s even more terrible when your usually energetic child is suddenly weak and unable to eat or hold anything in. In a fortunate turn of events, Pediasure Complete had just sent me a gift that contained a tin of their nutrient-rich, lactose free powder. The supplement provides balanced nutrition for kids aged three to ten, who are experiencing growth challenges or who are not getting a balanced diet in.

Anyways, once we had Curly on the right meds I could work on getting her to eat something to sustain her energy. Well, she obviously wanted nothing. Nothing except the Pediasure, that is. According to Hubstopher, the powder (mixed with nothing but water) tastes just like milkshake (trust him to taste it). I was just relieved that my curly girly was getting something in and that it contains 16 vitamins and minerals, essential Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, irons and proteins.

The cool thing about Pediasure is that it’s a great way to supplement a meal if your kid is a fussy eater. I mean, kids naturally have high energy requirements to support their growth and development. If children don’t get enough energy from food, they get tired, irritable and have poor concentration. The supplement has been given the green light by both parents and health care workers, who recommend it for children who are experiencing growth challenges.

Anyways, my curly girl is doing much better now! And to celebrate Pediasure would like to give two My Spreadsheet Brain readers a beautiful gift pack containing a toy voucher, a notebook, a Pediasure shaker, USB and a tin of Pediasure Complete, to try out on your little one. Want in? Okey dokey! Simply follow the two steps below and keep your fingers crossed!

To win one of two Pediasure hampers, please complete both steps:
1. Make sure you’re subscribed to My Spreadsheet Brain (on your top right)
2. Drop me a comment below or on my Facebook page, letting me know what you love about Pediasure

The giveaway closes on Thursday, August 31st at midday. As always, winners are chosen at random (not by me!) and will be announced on my Facebook page.


  • Carly Clarke

    I love the fact that you can substitute it for meals so that the little ones can still get all the nutrients they need .

  • Lynn Botha

    The flavours taste amazing (yes, I tasted it lol) I have bought the vanilla for my daughter before when she had been very ill and wasn’t eating at all. This really helped her get through it. Its also great just as a filler as my daughter isn’t a big eater at all.

  • Kelly Jennings

    When my children are sick we buy a tin or two and boost them up. We were told to put our son onto it as he battled to gain weight. My daughter went for an op 2 weeks ago and couldn’t not keep anything down as her tummy was runny and she would not eat so we got her a small tin to get her through. She loves it.and we would love to win this

  • Nadine Thomas

    I love the fact that Pediasure contains the most essential vitamins & minerals so that those “picky” little eaters get their essential nutrients. Pediasure also supplies Proteien-so that little ones gains energy and attain enough muscle strength which helps them in the growth process. Pediasure has many many benefits for little ones.

  • Adele

    I love that it gives them all they need on the days they are fussy (I have a toddler so this could be quite often) or when they are sick! And the flavours are great too!

  • Simone Cameron

    My middle kid is really skinny and a bit of an extremist. He eats 10 apples a day and he’ll eat 3 chicken drumsticks, but not much else. When he loves, he loves hard. So I’ve been trying to get my hands on this for ages now, just to ensure he gets all the right nutrients. I keep forgetting…cause I’m one of those moms. Oi. I just love that this contains all the vitamins and minerals he’d need. My 2yr old could probably also do with some of this once in a while.

  • Narisha Salie

    I love that it firstly tastes good… so no fighting with the kiddies to drink. No fuss and yet they getting all the nutrients they need. One less thing to worry about when they not feeling well.

  • Sheree

    Pediasure was recommended by our Paed when my daughter wasn’t quite reaching the required weight for her age. I know have piece of mind that she is.getting in.the necessary calories. And may I add she loves it!

  • Theresia

    I haven’t tried pediasure but after reading this I’m open to it. I too have a very picky eater and my biggest concern is that he doesn’t get all he needs in his diet.

  • Tanya

    I have a picky eater who is currently down with the flu. We struggling to get proteins in him! This sounds like an aweome solution for my little one who is showing some signs of being a future vegan lol!

  • Andrea Thomas

    I love how Mommy can claim to “drink your milkshake” my baby (while giving her the best nutrients to aid her growth)! It is so easy and hassle free to prepare as well for the busy school mornings! It is a take along drink in the car! Most mornings I forget the Scotts Emulsion but having this “milkshake” on board provides the much needed protection and supplements for the day!

  • Esda D

    I love that it can substitute a meal, for my son, who is rather tiny for his age… although he eats like a champ some days, most of the time you wonder what will he eat today!

  • stephanie videira

    My daughter gets sick quite often know that shes started creche and goes off eating when shes sick so this is perfect for her on those days and she loves the taste

  • Susan

    I love that it tastes just as good as a milkshake and that my kiddo can drink it with a straw. Her new favourite thing to do lol.

  • Chantelle heydenrych

    Such an awesome product in those emergency cases where nothing stays down. And also tastes really good so on those tough days when none of the food options presented are appealing it acts as a balanced meal replacement while it seems like a treat

  • Anusha Naidoo

    Pediadure is absolutely wonderful as its not only great tasting but is also enriched with vitamins and minerals. Perfect for those days when kids refuse to eat a meal due to being fussy about the meal served. A fantastic product which is a must have in a home for kiddies. Thank you for another great review and giveaway.

  • Chesna Horne

    I love the fact that its a meal replacement and has all the nutrients in for my two year old very fussy eater, I need to try this πŸ™‚

  • Debbie

    I love its nutritional value and that it can be used as a meal replacement for my little skinny malinkie πŸ™‚

  • Vee

    I definitely think I could do with this, even for Emilie as a picky eater it’s so hard to get creative with your kids… I love that you wouldn’t have to worry at least once a day they would be getting in all those nutrients πŸ™‚

  • Avisha Chaithram

    I tried pedisure when Ariya was dehydrate from gastric flu and and cold. Suggested by her doctor. What a life saver as a meal.replacement . Now she is addicted to it. Some morning before school it’s all she have. So.simple to make. No fuss.

  • Suzanne

    I have a fussy eater (also called a non eater ). When he drinks the pediasure it helps his appetite and he actually eats more!

  • Liscka

    Besides it tasting like Sterri-stumpie (my clans favourite drink), it totally boosts my girls immune system. I gave it a shot a while ago, when nothing , absolutely nothing stayed in, and to my surprise, it was the one supplement that stayed in. Its a no mess, no fuss pick-her-upper filled with all the vitamins and minerals she needs. Since she has it, which is about to run out soon, she hasn’t had one sniff, no colds, flu or anything, this coming from a kid with a very weak immune system – catching a tummy bug from across the room! No other supplement has anything on Pediasure, that for sure!

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