Tips and tricks

Baby shower gift ideas: what mamas really want

Planning a baby shower? Attending one soon? Of course you are. People are popping out kiddos like it’s nobody’s business (myself included). After sharing pics of a fab baby shower that I attended the other day (photos below) a few moms started chatting about baby shower gift ideas. Apparently, there are a bunch of gift ideas that made these moms swoon, while others make them cringe. (Don’t look at me, I like presents, period. Like, put a bow on it, and I’m ecstatic). Moms, are there certain baby shower gifts that you value more than others? Well, I started chatting to preggy moms about their baby shower experiences, and this is what they had to share:

blue and gold baby shower decor

Yes please: Wet wipes and nappies
One mom said that she loved finding wet wipes, nappy disposal packets and diapers wrapped in the pretty “Its a girl” gift paper, at her shower. “It’s just one more thing to save money on!” she shared.

No thank you: Baby shoes
My friend said that the teeny tiny baby shoes she was gifted at her shower ended up on display. Shoes for little feet are adorable, but impractical, I guess. I don’t think my curly girl wore shoes for the first few months of her life. I mean, it’s not as if she had to walk anywhere, anyways.

blue and gold baby shower decor

Yes please: Breastfeeding gear
A few moms shared that a beautiful breastfeeding pillow, breast pads and high quality nipple ointment (Lansinoh made top of the list) came in super handy after baby was born. Someone also said that breast milk storage pods were among her favorite gifts and that “clothes can be outgrown but breastfeeding gear lives forever!” (Tad bit dramatic there, but I get it).

No thank you: Baby oils and powders
As far as toiletries are concerned, I know that they are GOLD when you have a newborn baby. But some moms claim that they stayed away from baby oils and baby powders well into their babes first year. “Baby powder can get into their little nostrils,” one mom explained. Another shared that she never understood the need for baby oils.

blue and gold baby shower decor

Yes please: Vests
I feel like this is a no-brainer. A lot of moms said that they appreciated neutral colored, cotton, snap-crotch vests. For those who are not in the know, snap-crotch or body vests have those little snappers at the bottom of the vests, which prevents it from riding up into baby’s back. These vests are LIFE.

No thank you: Bottles and dummies
Deciding on a bottle or dummy brand, for your kid, is a really big deal to most moms. It’s best to know the name of the bottle/baby feeding brand that mom would like to use for baby, before buying any. “I ended up giving some away to charity,” a mom and gold baby shower decor

Yes please: Big ticket items
Things like sleep-positioners, bath seats, play mats, crib bedding and good quality baby bags came up when I asked about ‘big ticket items’. “These are things we would eventually have to purchase ourselves, so it helps if we are gifted with it,” someone explained.

No thank you: Crocheted items
A few moms giggled when the crocheted/knitted items topic came up. I, for one, love that someone took their time to knit a little jersey, with my baby in mind. But some moms claim that these wooly items can be too harsh for babys sensitive skin. “Sometimes the fit is horrible! No. Just no.” another shared.

blue and gold baby shower decor

Yes please: Gift cards
Again, how do you saw “awww” to a gift card or voucher? I do understand the practicality of it though – especially if you’ll be formula feeding your baby. That gift card can go a long way towards paying for that tin of expensive milk.

With that said, all of the moms who participated in the survey shared that at the end of the day, the thought that they were loved and cared for, mattered more to them than the gifts did!

So there you have it. I’d love to know what your thoughts are.
What was your favorite baby shower gift? Do you have a default “go to” gift, when you’re purchasing one for a baby shower? blue and gold baby shower decor

Clip Note: The stunning blue and gold baby shower decor featured in today’s post was the brain and heart child of the amazing Letitia Deyzel! 

Header created by Valeria Aksakova


  • Melissa Javan

    I loved all my gifts – most of it I didn’t even think of for myself. I felt bad when a mommy laughed when I gave her unborn baby his first bible. They were religious people, but she said she didn’t like reading. ***creek creek.
    Different stokes for different folks.
    I love crochet clothes but my best friend didn’t, lol, I gave her son a jersey – thought it was too cute.
    Anyways, I loved the breastfeeding pillow especially when Princess was so small. It was nice to hold her during feedings on that.

  • Naomi

    Hi, thanks for the great blog.
    I think an absolute essential is also the muslin burping cloths – they are so versatile and can be used for so many different things (winding baby, soother, bib, if have loads of milk – can place under breast to help absorb some of the excess, runny noses etc, and then eventually they land up in the kitchen. MyMum has just launched their lovely new muslin products which are produced locally in SA (doing them in 5 packs which is great).

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