
Teenager 101

I am the mom of a teenager.

This daunting realization only hit me a few weeks ago (months after my son actually had his 13th birthday) when we had an argument about his hair style.
Yep, it happened. I became that mom.

The boy has decided to follow the new “comb over” trend (short back and sides, top hair combed over).
Example 1:


But instead of maintaining it, he pretty much just wakes up and runs his fingers through his hair.
So its basically short back and sides, top hair… sticking out everywhere!
Its not quite “combing over” as the hair style would imply.
He has really thick hair, albeit isn’t curly, but it isn’t exactly Justin Bieber.

I am sure you can tell that my boy is everything I am not!
If I am a list maker, he would be the one to use the list to stick his gum into.
I want things to be perfect. He wants things to be easy.

With this said, I am slowly learning that I cant turn him into a mini me (like when I excitedly told him he could audition for the schools drama club and he looked at me as if I had leprosy).
Our kids are not meant to be like us.
And I am making peace with the fact that God has given them each unique personalities, traits and interests.
In order to bring out the best in my child, I need to support his dream and who God has called him to be.
Even if it’s uncharted territory for me!

So after the realization that I need to let go and slowly step away from the hair… I remembered MY awkward teenage years where I insisted on wearing my hair in 1 style: a ponytail at the base of my neck… and not in a cute way.
Example 2:

Photo: Google Images

Just as I grew into myself and into the woman I am today, he too needs to grow into himself, all by himself… without me making him feel like a dork about it.

So this me, officially stepping away from the hair….


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