
New space, same ramblings

My eyebrows. I know.

Hello there 🙂 How are you? I’m fine, thank you for metaphorically asking. Well, as you can see, things have changed a bit around here. It’s a new space! I’ve taken the plunge and decided that it was time to move from Blogger to WordPress. Why, I hear you ask… Well, there are 101 reasons why WordPress is more blog-smart than Blogger is. For motivation you can check out very informative articles over here and here.

And as if moving from one blogging platform to another isn’t already a pretty big deal, I also decided to hop onto the domain wagon and now own my very own WWW. So like a big person and stuff. It’s been a somewhat exhilarating ride, doing the move and making sure everything exports and imports properly. There are still a few kinks that I need to work out (like pics that have not uploaded properly oh and did I mention that I’ve lost almost all my comments?!), but for the most part myspreadsheetbrain.co.za is up, alive and kicking!

What you can expect to find in this new space is pretty much what I’ve been dishing out in the old space. I started the blog in 2011 and kinda just used it as a personal journal, not really sharing it with anyone until the beginning of 2015. I’ve always tried to maintain that vibe and basically just write whatever I feel to be on my heart. I mean, I’m all about keeping it real. I may not always post “12 steps on how to…” or the latest advice on “When you should…” or even product reviews every week… But I’m not here for the stats. I’m here for the heart of it all with a passion to see other’s grow to be the best they can be!

I’ll still be sharing my Music Monday picks and my Nail Art revelations and all the mommy stuff that I learn, as I go along. I’ll also continue to chat about my discovery’s regarding faith, marriage and heart matters. I’ll throw in the occasional review (when moved) and I’ll definitely still be chatting about any life hacks that I feel has blown my mind in the past while. (Who doesn’t like to have their mind blown?! I like it. Very much.)

So this is where I start, I guess. Wish me luck!


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