Nelson Mandela Bay

#ECMeetUp: No talk, just pics

ec-mini-meetup-4I know what you’re thinking: “Luchae, where are the #ECMeetUp pics?!!!”

Alright, I’m going to need everyone to calm down. The pics are here, as promised. They were taken by our beautiful Miriam Maulana of New Kid on the Block Photography and she will vouch that great things take time! As we end off this amazing blogging year (I know that we’re still in September… give me this moment to be dramatic, for the love pete!) we’d just like to say, once again, that it’s been awsome hanging out with you guys. Our group of EC bloggers is steadily growing and we are most def seeing more love from brands and businesses. PE is NOT the armpit of South Africa, Gareth Cliff!

Anyways, as I conclude my monologue, just a reminder that there are some more photeees, over at JustEllaBella, for your oohing and aaahing pleasure.

Right, let’s get to it then:

#ECMeetUp Chasing the rainbow
The wonderful Sarah and Ralph Dirsuwei of Chasing the Rainbow, The Boma and The Plantation


(Left) Miriam Maulana – New Kid on the Block, Cleo Allison fashion designer over at CASA, Athena O’reilly of the soon to be launced Oh! Really and Samantha Neary of Hollande Rose
The stunning Busisiwe Mahambehlala (left) of up and coming BeesBeat, alongside Siyabulela Mpunzi
#ECMeetUp newbie, Kathy Rath of Dempsey’s Blog
#ECMeetUp pics
Admiring the stunning artwork at venue, The Athenaeum is Megan Botha (left) of By Megan Kelly with Paula Jones of Penelope and Bella
Elle and I, hanging out with Nandi Matomela, Communications Coordinator at GM
#ECMeetUp pics colours of you sa
Some of our Colours of You SA friends: (left) Asa Mazomba, Gerard Addison and Zinzi May
Our Ella (JustEllaBella)
#ECMeetUp pics Going Somewhere Slowly
We enjoyed hearing from the mastermind behind Going Somewhere Slowly, Anje Rautenbach. What a gem!
The darling Natasha Nathoo of Journey with Mum won a prize from sponsor Woolworths Beauty
Odette Johaar of O So Inspired, hanging out with Ella
A whole bunch of us with Ranique Roberts (Big Mouth Entertainment), Kerryn Botha (That Girl Kez) and our wonderful author friend, Nadine Larter of Passing the Open Windows who gave each blogger a copy of her novel, Coffee at Little Angels


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