Why we're not inviting everyone
Nelson Mandela Bay

#ECMeetUp: Why we’re not inviting everyone

So as you guys may know, Ella and I host two #ECMeetUp blogger events each year. These events are basically a conference of sorts, for bloggers and social media influencer’s who are based in Nelson Mandela Bay. It’s our baby, but certainly wasn’t our idea… I mean, the Jozi and Capetonian bloggers have been hosting similar meet ups, probably since, like, the beginning of time. Or maybe a little bit after that. Anyways, not the point. The point is that we really love hosting this event… it has become a highlight on our calendar of life (so dramatic, always) and we get excited for every ECMeetUp. But, this time around, yoh, it’s become something else altogether. I mean, for starters, we’re not inviting everyone.

*pause for emphasis*
Okay that was me breaking out my inner Stephanie Forester because keeping people in suspense is so not my jam. Anyways, yeah, I said it, this meet up is not for everyone. Allow me to explain:

At our big meet up (we casually call the May event the “big meet up”, and the end of year event, the “mini meet”) we open up the guest list to PR reps, brands and even peeps who are interested in blogging but may not have a blog at the moment. It’s a great way to encourage networking, within these circles. I mean, it’s all about “meeting up”, as the name would imply.

But this time – oh this time! We’d like to focus on blogger-to-blogger networking. Yes, that means, we want to get to know you guys man! And we want you guys to get to know each other too. I mean, blogging (much like any competitive industry) can become pretty ugly. But the one thing that makes us EC Bloggers remarkably different from the rest (sorry South Africa) is that we are PE girls/guys… we love people (for the most part) and we’re really good at community (when we aren’t in a bad mood because someones car got stuck on the N2 AGAIN).

Guys, we’re stronger when we work together. And while I’m not saying that we should be all up in each other’s faces all the time, I do think that being supportive and encouraging (or atleast, just decent human beings) towards each other, will go a long way towards building the blogging scene within the Eastern Cape. I mean, if you’re all for wanting to actually get to know the other bloggers in our region, I do recommend that you come and do that! We won’t bite, I promise.

ECMeetUp a trip to the racesOther highlights about our upcoming meet up:
1. No goodie bags. Instead, we’d like to give you a Christmas gift, thanks to some of our fave brands, who promised not to send nick-nacks. We’re also trying to plan a little somethin’ somethin’ that will help you kick start your 2019!
2. No long speeches and no long talks. In fact, we want to encourage you to talk to EACH OTHER. Ahhh a brave, bold new concept!
3. A lekker time to dress up, take cute photos, enjoy some festive spirit (read: food and music) and just soak up the ambiance of the most magical season of the year! Yes, I love Christmas, okay?!
4. A chance to #sharethelove, by bringing along a toy to sponsor to the Project Hope children. Project Hope is an organisation that feeds more than 100 disadvantaged children in the Northen Areas of Port Elizabeth.
5. Okay there isn’t really a number 5 but I just want to say that it’s going to be legit, man!

So what do you think, EC Blogger? Are you in? Tickets cost R200, and includes a yummy three course meal from Bonamia, Walker Drive. Bonamia is actually owned by a fellow blogger too! So that’s a double win for us!

You are welcome to rsvp with or . Tickets must be paid by November 25. We are only reserving 30 seats this time around, so I do urge you to make sure to rsvp as soon as possible!

Looking forward to getting all festive with ya! 


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