Tips and tricks

More tricks for curly chicks

curly chicks

I’m a fan of curls, even though I’m not exactly living on the curly side of life. My baby girl, however, has hair that makes random people in shopping malls think that it’s okay to touch it. Bless them. But anyways, so yes, on a good day, she has a major curly afro going on and I love it!

If you recall, I previously posted about the (extremely loose) hair regime that I have going on for Kari. I also try to use natural products on her hair to maintain it’s natural curl. I was advised to try out the Johnson&Johnson curly hair brand but it just dried her hair out. In fact, most baby shampoos did that. I blame the “no tears” chemicals, but what do I know. So yes, we needed something more. Curly Chicks

And then my “curly hair guru” friend, JustEllaBella, advised me to try out the Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula products. The Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Conditioning Shampoo, for starters, is all sorts of dreamy. I mean, this stuff is thick and creamy and smells delish. The shampoo contains no sulfates, no parabens and lots of Vitamin E, coconut oil and keratin, which is meant to strengthen dry hair. I usually shampoo my kid’s hair once a week with the shampoo (and just a smidge of it – it foams up very quickly).
Palmers Coconut Oil Formula

I then use the Palmer’s Protein Pack, which is a deep conditioner, to restore moisture to her hair. This packet is actually a hair mask, but because there is so much of it (and so little of her), I am able to use it as a normal conditioner. One packet lasts us up to about 6 washes! Again, it contains no sulfates and no parabens.

After learning the stuff I learnt the last time (keep curly hair moisturised etc) I try to keep her hair hydrated by applying Pure Coconut Oil to it, as often as needed. I’ve also made a coconut oil hair spray for her, by dissolving 1 part coconut oil to 2 parts hot water in a spray bottle. I use this often (especially when styling or curling) and it really helps alot.telephone cord hair tie

Other things that I’m really loving is the latest trending plastic coil hair tie. You’ve probably seen them around and wondered “why the heck is that lady wearing a telephone cord around her hair?!” Dude, these gadgets are amazing! They don’t get stuck in my girls curly mane and there is minimal breakage. The hair coil doesn’t leave a kink in your hair (#kinksmustfall) but still manages to grip hair securely. It also helps that it’s really funky looking, and they make really rad looking arm bands. Always a score.

I’m in the process of investigating a whole bunch of other alternatives to use on my girl’s hair. Things like natural homeopath oils etc. I know that diet plays a big part in the health of your hair… well, and your body, and your mental wellness. (So just be healthy, okay?) There are loads of other things that you could implement into your daily schedule to make sure that your hair stays happy and strong.

Do you have any curly hair tips to pass on to me? 


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