we are the humans
My spreadsheet brain

Meet the Mommy Blogger: Nikki Lincoln of We Are The Humans

we are the humans

You guys, have you ever innocently scrolled through Instagram and found yourself stopping to stare at other people’s cute children for way longer than normal? Okay, that sounded a bit more freaky than I had intended. Well, what I was trying to say is that, Nikki Lincoln has two of the most adorablest little girls in the whole world!  The blogging mama, behind blog We Are The Humans, share that her gorgeous kids are her greatest achievement and that her blog is all about honoring the amazing role of being their mum.

She started blogging in 2009 as a way to stay in touch with friends and family, after relocating to Norway. Soon she found herself with baby en tow, and what was meant to be a way to touch base and share her love of vintage fashion, escalated into a fully loaded mommy blog.

“Having children has opened a door in my heart and I find myself more willing than ever to just share. Motherhood is so incredible and so tough and writing about my own struggles and achievements makes me feel like I could be lightening the burden for other moms that may stumble across my blog.”

Nikki so eloquently explains that although her blog is a “lifestyle and parenting blog”, it’s actually all about the lifestyle of parents. You guys, those three words just jumped out at me. (I mean, before I made the font bold) And isn’t it so true though? Even though we all have our unique interests and personalities and lifestyle choices, there is a tie that binds us. Being a parent kinda shifts your whole world from “oh hey, look at me and my new shoes” to “does someone know why my baby’s poop is the color of Shrek?”

I think that this common thread- this knowledge that someone else out there gets what it feels like to love a tiny human being with so much love that you feel like your heart is going to explode- is what makes mommy bloggers like Nikki so popular. You want to read something written from the heart of a mom who knows. A mom who gets it. A mom who doesn’t have it all worked out, and that’s okay.

“I think what has and continues to be rewarding is when I get comments or messages about something I have written that resonates with another mom. To know I have touched something in your heart is so powerful and it will always leave me in awe.”

Nikki explains that one her biggest challenges is consistency. But having a full-time job and full-time mom life is not slowing this one down! She is starting a really exciting podcast on Feb 1st and I really can’t wait to get into it! Make sure you’re following her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, for the launch!

Learn more about Nikki and We Are The Humans over on the blog, or check out links to some of Nikki’s more popular blog posts where she chats about:
Needing a mom tribe
Putting your relationship first, after having kids
Sending your little one to nursery school
Being okay with having a messy home
Teaching your kids about racism


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