Nelson Mandela Bay

ECMeetUp: do bloggers actually like each other?

On Saturday we got to hang out with some of our fave Eastern Cape bloggers at our final ECMeetUp of 2018. The event was unlike any other blogger meet up we’ve ever hosted, because we wanted to see if bloggers actually like each other in real life. I mean, it’s easy to be all quirky and polite behind a screen. Right?

And hey, I’ve built many a friendship via the internet (you know who you are, friend!) But the cool thing about us EC bloggers is that the Eastern Cape is small, yo. And we actually have a chance to hang out a lot more than some of the other influencers, in other parts of South Africa. And so Ella and I wanted to facilitate a gathering of sorts, where we could all just let loose and focus on getting to know each other better. The night was filled with festive games and laughter. Plus, prizes and gifts… need I say more? You can read more about that over on JustEllaBella today. But I’m here to talk about the people.

My favorite thing about living in Nelson Mandela Bay, is the people. I mean, yeah we have a slammin’ beach and really cool touristy attractions and all of that. But our people are worth their weight in gold! Our (sometimes over the top) friendliness can often be misconstrued as being fake or false or “this woman is not right in her head.” But, in retrospect, living in a smaller metropole has its perks and one of the perks is that we are a tightly knit community and so even though you may not know everyone, chances her your new friend knows someone who knows someone who once worked with your family member at Cadbury. Or Volkswagen. Or Edgars, Greenacres. You get the gist.

Anyways, my point is that I am simply over the moon that our little EC blogging community is growing so nicely. Why be happy, some would ask. I mean, doesn’t this mean that there is less opportunity for the rest of us? Uhm, NO. It means that there is more of us to take note of! (That was me throwing shade at the rest of South Africa, who, it seems, often forgets about us). We are a growing force and a thriving community and yep, we actually like each other. How about that? 

Anyways, before I trail off into another mommy-lecture, allow me to introduce the  EC bloggers who were in attendance this Saturday. Please feel free to stalk away!

Bernadene Freeman of Be You Daringly – Facebook Instagram
Catherine Richards of Curious Cat – Facebook Instagram
Clarice Geduld of A Healthy Travel Addiction – Facebook Instagram
Eleanor-Douglas Meyers of Just Ella Bella – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Eridene Coltman of Journey with Deenah – Facebook Instagram
Jenine Damons Marneval of The Fat Fairy – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Kelly Adams of Basically Kelly – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Kenastacia Asia of Kenastacia – Facebook Instagram
Luchae Williams of My Spreadsheet Brain – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Mandy Frank of – Frankly Mandy – Facebook
Maverick Coltman of Maverick Coltman – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Melissa De Klerk of Fox & Owl Media – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Miriam Maulana of New Kid On The Block – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Nadine Rose Larter of Passing the Open Windows – Twitter Instagram Facebook
Odette Johaar of Totally Confident and Completely Insecure – Twitter
Ralph Dirsuwei of Chasing the Rainbow – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Ruth Abercrombie of Pursuing Purpose – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Sandi Leith of A Life In Spring – Facebook Instagram
Sarah Dirsuwei of Chasing the Rainbow – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Simone Cameron of An Ordinary Gal – Facebook Instagram
Tanya Lilley of Just Me, T – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Tayla Rodger of Tailored Inspiration – Facebook Instagram
Theresia Muller of Lessons Learnt – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Venean Bosch of In the Meantime – Facebook Twitter Instagram
Yolande Holloway of Sheer Empowderment – Facebook Instagram
Yolandi Barnard of Styles by Yolandi – Facebook Twitter Instagram

Disclaimer: All the pics in this post was “borrowed” from the EC Bloggers Instagram accounts. Give them a follow! You can check out all the meet up action, and exactly what the bloggers went home with, by searching for #ECMeetUp on social media. 

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