Heart matters

  • Reflections and regrets
    Heart matters

    Reflections and regrets

    Would you say that you are exactly where you dreamed you would be 15 years ago? I definitely am not. I thought that, by now, I would be touring the world on a yacht, while drinking champagne with Justin Bieber – even though I’m not a fan of champagne or floating on a large expanse of water. Minor details. But, yes, I do sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I were still doing my own thing. Despite the dream of sipping champagne on yachts, my previous life involved drinking cheap wine in dodgy cars. The only Justin I knew was the one who sold me weed…

  • What to do with heartbreak
    Heart matters

    What to do with heartbreak

    When it comes to emotions, I would like to think that I am quite the connoisseur. I’m an empath which means I sometimes feel all the feelings on behalf of someone else.  I’m especially good at crying while watching random stranger’s videos on the internet (adoption videos and U.S. Marines surprising their families by jumping out of a box are my favourites). The weird joke that my husband makes (you know, around the fire, at braais) is that his new business idea is to hire me out to funerals because I will easily bawl my eyes out at the graveside of someone that I’ve never met. (Rent-A-Mourner?) I don’t mind…

  • The truth behind the struggle meal
    Heart matters

    The truth behind the struggle meal

    Earlier this week I was pleasantly surprised when a quick Instagram poll resulted in so many of my Insta-friends sharing their favourite childhood ‘struggle meals’ with me. Now for those not in the know, a ‘struggle meal’ is a dish put together with very few basic ingredients. It’s designed to fill you up (and keep you fuller for longer), on a budget. Some of the cheap meal combos that I enjoyed while growing up includes an egg and mince situationship that maybe doesn’t make sense but, trust me, it’s delish. Other favourites were curried eggs (literally, a curry, with boiled eggs as the star of the show) and another staple…

  • Internalised sexism is a real thing
    Heart matters

    Women against women. Internalised sexism is a real thing.

    Today is International Women’s Day – a day dedicated to spreading awareness around the challenges that we face as females. And while I 100% stand by the campaign to end gender bias and gender inequality, I think that we also need to remember that internalised sexism is a real thing. Yes, I said “internalised sexism”. What does that look like, you ask? Definition: “Internalised sexism is a form of sexist behaviors and attitudes enacted by women toward themselves or other women and girls.” Girls not supporting girls. For a long time we have been exposed to patriarchal messages that tell us that we are not as capable and strong as…

  • What kind of friend are you?
    Heart matters

    What kind of friend are you?

    I recently had a very long chat, with a very old friend of mine and it was filled with all sorts of complaints. We moaned about the fact that we are getting old. She showed me her swollen thumb. I laughed at the fact that I’m not hip enough to commit to 7 outfit changes for 1 Tik Tok. We both need more money. I mean, if you were a fly on the wall, you would wonder why on earth we would dedicate a whole conversation to, well, complaining. The thing is this though… why would we not? I have a lot of friends – really great pals, all of…

  • 5 tips on how to be inspirational
    Heart matters

    5 tips on how to be inspirational

    Being “inspirational” is a thing these days – did you know? I mean, if you want to stay relevant and top-of-mind, that is. We stan a relevant queen – mos. And a “relevant queen” is an inspiring queen. Mos. I mean, let’s be honest, more than anything, people are scouring the interwebs looking for other people to emulate. Take me for example. If you are aspiring to be a coffee-drinking hermit that binges Netflix while glaring at your phone because someone dares to actually call you instead of texting, then you’ve visited the right blog. Welcome kindred heart. Anyways, back to the point. I was sitting here, proudly peeping at…

  • Beauty pageant
    Heart matters

    Beauty pageant, shmeauty pageant

    What if I told you guys that I won my high school’s beauty pageant, back in 1999. Would it cause you to view me differently, I mean, knowing that I am an award winning model and all? Hehehe. I know, weird flex. Who brags about winning a teeny bopper beauty pageant more than 20 years ago. (Me, apparently.) But hey in my defense, my humble brag is a result of a cringey photo that I stumbled upon the other day. The photo reminded me of my teenage years that were riddled with self-doubt and body issues. (So that’s, like, all the normal stuff). In fact, entering that beauty pageant was…

  • Do you take things personally
    Heart matters

    Do you take things personally?

    “There’s a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.” I read this phrase over and over a couple of months ago, basically feeling my spirit jump around in my body with cheerleader pom-poms and a big placard that says “yaaaas queeeeeen!” (Whaaaaat? Sometimes my ‘spirit’ rocks a cheerleader uniform. I don’t choose these things, it chooses me.) Anyways, the confirmation in my spirit reminded me that this phrase right here is my jam. Not taking things personally is my go-to response when I read an offensive status update or when I overhear someone make a snarky comment. Not taking things personally helps me to…

  • 2021 Grateful
    Heart matters

    2021: Grateful

    Much like the rest of the world, I start off each year with a new motto/word/vision… because, in a nutshell, my aim is to not end the year the exact same way I started it. I mean, how morbid would that be? This isn’t a season of Bold and Beautiful, you know, where we never age and we basically live out the same storylines over and over until Brooke steals our husband. Life – God’s glorious design – is filled with bumpy rides and smooth roads with the sole purpose of, well, adding some scenery to our journey on earth. Sometimes a change in route is all that is needed…

  • 2020: The year that never was
    Heart matters

    2020: The year that never was

    Some would argue that it’s a bit too late to write a “year in review” post, since it’s day 3 into the new year already. Also, we are over 2020. There, I said it. I mean, 2020 is as tired as faux fur sliders. Some would even call 2020 “the year that never was” because it was so elusive and devastating. Much like faux fur sliders. But I digress… Regardless of how I feel about 2020, a “year in review” post is a must! Well, because I am a creature of habit and changing this particular habit is not one of the goals on my 2021 list. (Whaaaaat). Anyways, enough…