Heart matters

Finding hope in the poop

I was 7 years old when I attempted to wow my 6 year old cousin with my magical powers. The magic act involved making a 2 cent coin disappear. One minute the coin was in my hand… the next it was gone! I was a legend.

What my cousin didn’t know was that I had hidden the coin in my mouth (yes, ew), under my tongue. I mean, those are minor details when you’re trying to establish yourself as the coolest cousin in the family.

The real magic happened a few seconds later though when I realized that the coin actually DID disappear. I had accidentally swallowed it.

Now, given the fact that it was one of those large 2 cent coins (90’s kids – hollar!), my parents completely freaked out and immediately rushed me to hospital. I could see the fear in their eyes as the doctor investigated the full body x-ray, trying to determine where the coin was lodged.

My magic act had become more death-defying than legendary. 

For days thereafter, I pooped into a baby potty and then watched as my mom sifted through the poop, with a stick, to see if the elusive 2 cent coin had found an exit. My poop had become the most interesting thing in our home – the 2 cent coin a hidden treasure. If it did not make an appearance I would need to go for a serious operation to have it removed.

After a stressful few days, the coin finally found its way out of my body. My parents were so relieved, they didn’t even mind the sifting through the poop!

There was hope in my poop that day. (Never thought I’d ever use that sentence on my blog).

Anyways, while reminiscing on this story, I was struck with a sudden revelation. Now, mind you, I am very pregnant and my thought pattern is a bit bonkers right now. But bare with me.

Life can offer you bundle of poop sometimes.

You know, the type of bundle that your puppy leaves in the middle of the dining room, only to be discovered by your bare foot, accidentally, in the middle of the night. I mean, we’ve all been dealt with bundles of poop, on occasion.

My family and I have been dealt with large-ish bundles of poop over a span of a couple of years. I mean, from freak accidents to large financial losses, trips to the hospital, to losing our home due to an irate landlord.

It’s been a lot to manage… a lot of bundles of poop to avoid stepping into and even more bundles of poop that we completely and totally stepped into, toes and all.

But, in the midst of it all, my friends, the one thing that carried us through (and continues to carry us) is the fact that we know that there is a BIGGER plan.

Maybe the poop is helping us to be more mindful… more wary about where we are stepping… more intentional about wearing shoes, before going into the dining room. The challenging situations make us stronger, more unified as a family and definitely wiser when making those (sometimes rash) decisions.

And wives, a complete and utter poopy situation can help to GROW your marriage, if you let it! Suddenly you guys are a two-man army, impenetrable and unstoppable, because you are on the same mission. Once the war is over, and the battle is won, it kinda feels good to look at your battle scars and know that you made it out together. The battle did more good, than damage.

So just like how my parents had to sift through poop, to find hope that their little girl is going to be okay, I want to encourage you guys to find hope in your seemingly hopeless situation.

A poopy situation doesn’t make sense right now… it’s annoying, it itches, and it’s preventing you from living your best life. Or so it seems.  But God can use even the most devastating of situations for your good if you ask Him to. He can use the ugly and stinky to create a masterpiece.

The great thing is that there is always hope in the poop and sometimes we just have to wait it out a little bit longer, in order to see it.

Disclaimer: I said the word “poop” a lot in this post, and you know what, I don’t even mind. Poop. There I said it again. Surprise! 

One Comment

  • Megan Keith

    This is just what I needed to read today, after we experienced yet another poop, in a loooong line of poop over the last 18 months or so! Megan x

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