online shopping
Tips and tricks

5 ways to avoid the burden of online shopping remorse

Hello, my name is Luchae and I have a secret obsession with online shopping. I don’t know what thrills me more – finding a great online shopping deal, or opening my purchase when it arrives at my door. Hehe.

What I don’t enjoy, however, is that feeling of dread when buyer’s remorse hits and you realise that you’ve spent way too much money on an oversized rug that is the shape of a banana. These things happen.

But I come with tips, my friends! Here are 5 ways to avoid the burden of buyer’s remorse:

1. When in doubt, add to cart 

Okay, I know what you’re thinking – this blog post is off to a questionable start. But I have good tips, I promise! My strategy involves adding the items that I love to my online shopping cart and then just leaving it there. I sometimes leave it in my cart for a week or a few weeks. Often, when I revisit the cart, that feeling of “aaack I must have this RIGHT NOW!” is gone, and I can make a decision on whether to purchase, with a clear head.

2. Step away from the card 

One practical tip that really helps is to not save my credit card details on my shopping apps. Convenience is one of the main reasons why I end up on an impulsive online shopping spree. By manually entering my card information, I give myself time to think twice before entering that CCV code.

3. Trust the budget 

I love a good plan, which is why a budget really helps to curb my shopping enthusiasm. If I find myself on a late night shopping spree, I often remind myself that I only have X amount of disposable income available. This helps me to think through before making that purchase. I ask questions such as: Do I really need this item? And if this is the only budget available for this type of purchase, is there something else that I want/need more? What am I prepared to spend on the type of item that I am looking for?

4. Create a wish list

Okay, besides the fact that lists are my actual love language, I also use them to limit my impulsive spending. I do this by adding items to a wish list (and not to the cart). It kinda fulfills that immediate satisfaction of knowing the item is kept aside for me, but it also limits my commitment to actually purchasing the item.

5. Check your return policies

Know the return policies of your favourite online stores! When all else fails and you find yourself making that big impulsive purchase, it helps to know that your fave online store will allow you to get a full refund and/or an exchange, with no red tape involved! I appreciate online stores (such as Superbalist) who have a solid return policy. Superbalist will collect your returns for free and will refund you to your online wallet, or issue an exchange, at no extra cost!

Share some of your best online shopping tips below.

This post was paid for by Superbalist.

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