My spreadsheet brain

Feature Friday: Mandy Frank – Mrs PE 2012

On Feature Friday I feature people, products or just random things that I think are pretty cool. My aim is to leave you a little bit more enlightened and inspired! And hey, I’m open to new things, so please hollar at , if you have any pretty cool FF suggestions. 

Mandy Frank – Mrs Port Elizabeth 2012

My FF guest this week is someone who always inspires me with her compassion and willingness to help others. I met Mandy Frank a few years ago – I’m not sure how – and started following her campaign to be the next Mrs Port Elizabeth in 2012. 
For those who don’t know, Port Elizabeth is our hometown and as Mrs PE, you become an ambassador for the city and those within the city who are in need. What I immediately noticed about Mandy is that she was involved with charity projects BEFORE all the beauty pageant stuff happened. She was the real deal and rightly so deserved to win the title in 2012. The pic above shows off the love between herself and hubby, Sheldon, on the night of the Mrs PE event. They’ve been married for 7 years and have 1 amazingly cute and Jesus-lovin’ little boy, Matteo who in his 7 years of age is not ashamed to give and receive love and tell others how much Jesus loves them. I love her Facebook posts about her life with her guys (some are kinda hilarious!) and the revelation she receives every day. I think she’s pretty cool 🙂 
Let’s see what she has to say:
1. So… who are you?
Thank you sooooo much for thinking of me.  Who am I?  I am just Mandy.  The Middle of 3 children (all girls) of 2 loving parents. A daughter of the King. A blessed wife and doting mom. A ‘what you see is what you get’ kinda girl.  I am very approachable and appreciate the simple things in life.

2. You’re a feature today, because I think you’re pretty cool 🙂 Why do you think you’re cool?
Mmmmm – maybe I’m cool in like a nerdy kind of way? Haha – I’m a really good friend.  I know this, because my friends tell me that all the time.  Then again, I am surrounded by really cool people!! I don’t get upset easily, and the older I get (pushing 30 – #whoop) – the calmer I seem to be.  I am liking me more and more actually. Actually, I love me more and more.

3. What is your favorite thing at the moment?
Biscuits! ! Biscuits, and Pajamas. 

4. If you could change one thing today, what would it be?
Anything? Like anything?  Peace among families. 

5. Learnt how to make anything recently?
What was it? Coconut Ice.  Matteo and I had lots of fun making different colours.

6. Share your favorite tip/trick:
every woman should learn how to swirl ….

7. Imagine we’re your kids 🙂 now imagine you had to share a life lesson with us.
What would it be? You can be anything you want to be. Yes! Anything like ANYTHING.  And you’re never too young to start sharing God’s love.  


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