
And then I bought a string of Baltic Amber Beads…

So, today, I went out and purchased a string of baltic amber beads for my Curlysue.
She’s going through her teething season and I feel SO sorry for her 🙁
Besides for the fact that the pearlys are right beneath the surface of the gum and they refuse to budge an inch further, she has also been drooling a lot, which causes an eina looking rash on her neck.
She is so uncomfortable. And needless to say, sleep has eluded us for many a night now.
Not a good look on me.

And then I heard about the amazing amber beads. They are apparently made out of (duh) amber and it is said that this amber stone can help to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing of wounds. Many swear that they are perfect soothers for babies who are teething as well.

I’m not sure about the healing properties of this here necklace and my hubby says that it’s “voodoo” but after reading up on it, I am willing to spend R195 and give it a go!

Being all spreadsheet brain’ed (and stuff) I Googled as much as I could and found this article, found over at Belly Belly , especially interesting. It says: In addition to assisting with reducing pain, drooling (for which amber is said to work by stimulating the thyroid glands) and irritability that is often associated with teething, Baltic amber is believed to help relieve eczema, speed up wound healing and stave off ear and throat inflammation, amongst other ailments.”

Sounds worth a try, right?
The nice lady at the shop I bought it from said to give it 4 – 5 days before it will take effect.
So let’s see what happens.

I will be checking if the beads assist as a relief from:
– Constant drooling
– Rash on face
– Pain and uncomfortable behaviour

I will report back in a weeks time to let you know whether this thing is worth the price of a pack of diapers!

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