Styled by my 3 year old

Styled by my 3 year old: The KellyKariKollab

A few weeks ago, the very sweet Kelly Adams of Basically Kelly asked me if she could do a blog feature with my 3 year old Karis Leigh. Kelly wanted to be styled by my 3 year old and I knew that Karis would totally eat that up! Now, if you guys frequent my Instastories you’ll know that my Kari is full of sass. She loves the camera. She loves to dress up. She loves make up. And she loves to tell other people what to do. (I’ve been told it’s a toddler thing. Her dad says she got it from her mama. You decide.)

The wonderful staff of The Windermere Hotel, located in Summerstrand, Nelson Mandela Bay, agreed to give us their stunning venue as the location and we were so thrilled at the opportunity to feature some of our fave Nelson Mandela Bay kiddies online boutiques.

Now ladies, let me tell you something, I learnt that if you want to unlock your little girls inner diva, give her your make up to play with! Karis got into that make up, styling Kelly like it’s nobodies business! (I sat on the couch, with some chicken nuggets, and chilled. I mean, it was like an afternoon off for me. Who’s complaining?)

The girls did each other’s make up (aren’t they cute) and chose outfits for one another. Both went for a pink ensemble and Kelly got a pair of high heels, picked out by Miss Kari, who had been eyeing them. (She has a thing for shoes).

A fresh hair-do later, and they were ready to work the camera, with “Uncle Human” (Kelly’s boyfriend, Hughan) behind the camera, making the girls look as fabulous as they are. We honestly had so much fun and I would totally do something like this again! But hey, check out the vid below for more:


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