My Top Five Christmas Party Games
Tips and tricks

My Top Five Christmas Party Games

If you love a good end of year party, like I do, then you’re probably the designated Christmas party planner for your office or group of friends. I see you, kindred heart! We’re the Jessica Day’s of this world, and that’s okay! So, obviously, you’ve sent out your invites (weeks in advance, duh, coz that’s how we roll) and your party is obviously a costume party (because what is a party without a theme.) And now you’re looking for a few super fun Christmas Party games and activities to entertain your guests with. I got you girl! Here are some of my favorite Christmas Party games:

Christmas Carols Remix

You’ll need 3 bowls, paper and a pen for this one. One bowl will contain strips of paper with all players’ names on it. Another bowl will contain Christmas song titles. And the last bowl will contain an instruction (i.e. sing the carol in reggae style or act out the carol as if you’re on Broadway). Take turns drawing a name, a carol and an instruction, awarding points for the best performances!

Dirty Santa

This is by far my most favorite of all games! Each guest will be asked to bring along a wrapped gift (it’s safer to give a value limit for the gift). Have the guests stand in a circle, with the gifts in the center of the circle. Each guest will then draw a number from a hat. Right, this is where the fun begins!

Guest number 1 will choose a gift from the pile and unwrap it to show the rest of the crowd. Guest number 2 will now have the opportunity to either take number 1’s gift OR draw a new gift, to unwrap and show the crowd. Guest number 3 will have the choice of 1 and 2’s gifts OR choose a new gift to unwrap and display. The fun starts happening when there is a gift that everyone wants! You may find tit making its rounds – hilarious!

Christmas Music Trivia

Warn your guests that you’ll be doing a Christmas Music Trivia, so that they can brush up on their Christmas tunes! Create your favorite holiday playlist and play the intro of the jams, for the your guests, giving them the opportunity to guess the name of the song and the artist name. You could spice it up by adding interesting trivia questions (multiple choice is better) about the history of the song.

Santa Belly Bust

Okay so this one might seem a bit juvenile but it’s tons of fun, I promise. All players must place a large inflated balloon under their shirt, to represent a big Santa belly. Players will keep their hands behind their backs and, on start, must try to bust their gut, without using hands. You could have a prize for the winner, but it’s way more fun to have a “punishment” for the loser!

Christmas Pass the Parcel

This may take a lot more prep on your side, but a Christmas Pass the Parcel is a great corporate game, especially if you want to get to know your co-workers a bit better. Wrap your main prize up with layers and layers of gift wrap/newspaper. In between all the layers, add ‘Truth or Dares’ and questions (such as “What was your favorite thing about this year”) and small gifts. Have your guests pass the parcel, to a Christmas song, and stop the music every now and then so that someone else will get the turn to unwrap a layer.

What are some of your favorite Christmas party games? 

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