My spreadsheet brain

Feature Friday: Alethea Ross

On Feature Friday I feature people, products or just random things that I think are pretty cool. My aim is to leave you a little bit more enlightened and inspired! And hey, I’m open to new things, so please hollar at , if you have any pretty cool FF suggestions. 

Alethea Ross of Alove Creations

This week I was inspired by women who are doing it for themselves. Those who decided to follow their hearts and do the things that they are gifted to do! This takes guts and a lot of prayer, I’m sure ๐Ÿ™‚ 
One such person is Alethea Ross, who has recently started her own business called, Alove Creations. Alove Creations specializes in beautiful handmade infinity scarves with funky and elegant designs and lots of colours to choose from! (Check out her Facebook page) I heard that she will be launching a mens and kiddies range very soon too! 

If you know me, you’d know that my love of scarves almost supercedes that of Hilda in 7de Laan. So I totally inlike with Althea’s product and think that ordering your very own custom made scarf (that suites your own personal style and flair…and matches what’s in your cupboard!) totally tops buying something (and spending top dollar) at your generic clothing store to buy something that everyone else has. I will be reviewing one of her scarves really soon and will show you the amazing range she has developed over a short period of time.  

Besides for following her heart ๐Ÿ™‚ she also spends her time listening to music (she mentioned Whitney Houston, the diva!) and she says she loves spending time with her kiddies, dancing like crazy to Praise&Worship. Herself and hubby, Shilton, have been married for almost 2 years and they have an adorable little girl, Madison Taylor (3) and the warrior (as his mom calls him), Keane Thor who is 8 years old. When speaking about Shilton, Alethea gushes: “He is so supportive with all I choose to pursue or do. I still get butterflies when I think about us, and how far we have come. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful support system in him.” Awwww!  

Let’s see what else she has to say:  

1. So… who are you? 
I am Alethea, many call me Ally, a daughter of the most High, blessed beyond compare. I am a mother to two amazing children, a wife to the best husband, I work hard, am an ambitious, fun loving and daring person. 

2. You’re a feature today, because I think you’re pretty cool ๐Ÿ™‚ Why do you think you’re cool? 
I am an honest, straight forward; I laugh loud, love deeply, cry hard and celebrate life like a rock star.

3. What is your favourite thing at the moment? 
Scarves!!! Lol, I love them, and think they just add that extra pizzazz to any outfit for any occasion โ€“ am I cray cray? 

4. If you could change one thing today, what would it be? 
The weatherโ€ฆ I donโ€™t like cold and grey weather; I want spring, the sweet smell of fresh flowers and the sun on my skin ๐Ÿ™‚

5. Learnt how to make anything recently? 
A skirt ๐Ÿ™‚ I love maxi skirts and so I decided that I would start making my own ๐Ÿ™‚ whoop whoop 

6. Share your favourite tip/trick: 
Itโ€™s okay to talk to yourself ๐Ÿ™‚ I do it all the time

7. Imagine we’re your kids ๐Ÿ™‚ now imagine you had to share a life lesson with us. What would it be? 
I know this might sound clichรฉ but I wish that I had listened to the many that shared this with meโ€ฆ life is a gift, you only get one, make it count. Take risks, breathe deeply and be brave. I have also learned and come to accept that being a Christian does not make you immune to the evil around us, if anything, we will probably encounter many hardships, faith is what gets you through them, and Grace is what comes in and changes it all around. Grace is not something you can ever earn; it is a second chance, a third chance and fourth. I am obsessed with grace ๐Ÿ™‚


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