My spreadsheet brain

Feature Friday: Theresia Muller

On Feature Friday I feature people, products or just random things that I think are pretty cool. My aim is to leave you a little bit more enlightened and inspired! And hey, I’m open to new things, so please hollar at , if you have any pretty cool FF suggestions. 

Theresia Muller of Bonamia Restuarant

Today’s FF, Theresia Muller, has a story that is one of those kindsa stories that makes you feel like you can conquer the world! This 29 year old mommy of 1 is married to hubby, Justin, and together they own Bonamia – a restaurant that she happened to waitress at a few years ago!
So yes, Tess went from waitress, to owner. How cool is that?!

After marrying the love of her life, 3 years ago, in a shotgun wedding – just kidding, in a beautiful purple butterfly themed wedding – the Mullers moved to East London were they faced what Tess calls ‘a season in the wilderness’. “God taught us a lot in our wilderness and we soon got to a point where we both felt called for more!” She shared with me.

Becoming a business owner was always something Tess had trusted God for, but, as with all dreams that He plants in our hearts, it seemed really, really big! A year later, after finding out that her previous boss was planning to sell Bonamia, she mentioned to Justin that the place was available for purchase. He spontaneously decided that they should attempt to buy it. “We were the least qualified in all spheres of the process but we were pursuing purpose and covered in favour!”

The Mullers won the bid to buy the restaurant and somehow finances came in and they were able to put money down for it. They moved back to Port Elizabeth to pursue their new vocation as restaurateurs and their business has been steadily growing ever since. “It has been growing so much that we were crazy enough to purchase our second one this year and it will probably not be the last!”

There are currently 2 Bonamia branches in Port Elizabeth – The initial restaurant in Walker Drive and the newest edition in Walmer. Both feature a homely but elegant setting with an ABCDlicious menu (that is ever evolving!) and really friendly staff that are willing to accommodate you and your functions.

Being a restaurateur is not all fun and games and the Mullers’ are always hard at work, striving to give their customers’ the best dining experience that they can. So couple that with the added energy of 1 year old Joshua (who has a thing for shaking his booty!), and you will understand why Tess lists “sleep” as one of her hobbies!  A worshiper at heart, Tess also squeezes in a movie or 2 where she can and loves to socialize on her days off.

She shares that being a good steward when she was “just a waitress” played a big role in the doors that were opened for her and Justin when they decided to purchase the restaurant. “When I was a waitress I treated Bonamia as it was my own (good stewarding). I loved it. I had been in the industry before but fell in love with the place because of all the regular faces I had gotten to know.” She explained.

I love Theresia’s testimony! It is proof that when you dream big with God, then He will make your dreams a reality!

Let’s see what else she has to say: 
1. So… who are you? 
I am Legend lol jokes!!! 
2. You’re a feature today, because I think you’re pretty cool 🙂 Why do you think you’re cool? 
I think I’m cool because God has good taste hehe
3. What is your favorite thing at the moment? 
My favorite thing is split between Baywest Prestige Movie Theaters and Bill Johnson.
4. If you could change one thing today, what would it be? 
I would love to change the way young women see themselves.
5. Learnt how to make anything recently? 
I learnt how to make biltong thanks to SuzelleDIY 
6. Share your favorite tip/trick: 
Envelope system. If you really want something you can budget for it through discipline. I use envelopes so I dont overspend in a certain area and make available for another.
7. Imagine we’re your kids 🙂 now imagine you had to share a life lesson with us. What would it be? 
Life lesson is a tough one as there are so many. I would say right at this moment; Dont stop dreaming, Never stop believing.

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