Reviews,  Win!

Books that help you parent like a boss!

Books that help you parent like a boss
If you have kids, I’m sure you’ll agree that a large chunk of your life goes into being a parent. It’s a serious job (no one tells you about the fine print) and we are a bit hard on ourselves sometimes. I don’t know about you, but I never feel like I’m doing it right! But parents, we need to cut ourselves some slack! For starters, if you love your kids and want the best for them, you’re already doing a great job. *pats self on back* Secondly, there are so many amazing resources available to empower and guide you. I’ve been getting into some books that help you parent like a boss… you know, efficiently, effectively and with wisdom! And I want to give some of them to you! But first, more on these books:

Julie Lyles Carr
Raising an original by Julie Lyles Carr
This book has given me such insight that I literally skip sleep to get into the next chapter! (And that’s coming from a tired pregnant person) Julie shares nuggets of wisdom on how to parent each of your children according to their unique temperaments. I totally get that! I mean, Kyle is street smart (with his mouth too) and an independent, free thinker. Seth loves to please everyone and is a clever, facts-driven but sensitive child. What works for one, does not work for the other.

In this book, I’ve learnt that your children’s specific gift, abilities and capacities are all God given and, through the 4-style personality assessment, I was able to understand them (and myself, as a parent) better. Such a great read! BTW Julie actually has eight children of her own (and she’s a psychologist and founder of the Legacy of Hope non profit, in Texas).

5 Love LanguagesThe 5 Love Languages adult coloring book by Majestic Expressions
I added this one in here purely because it is relationship month and yep, your relationship with your kids are important! With that said, parents, you need to schedule in some regular ‘me-time’, I mean, if staying sane is long-term goal for you. I’ve found that adult coloring books really help to get me to de-stress and refocus. The 5 Love Languages coloring book is filled with inspiring illustrations and quotes that remind you of the positive ways to express and experience love. You need this.

Rob and Joanna Teigen101 Prayers for my Daughter / 101 Prayers for my Son by Rob and Joanna Teigen
Look, you guys know how I feel about prayer. I believe that it is powerful and important and necessary in every home. Which is why I simply adore these pocket sized prayer guides. They provide 101 key points for you to focus on, while praying for your children, with themes such as Perseverance and diligence, Our relationship, Freedom from fears, Keeping him/her safe and Freedom from addiction (and the beat goes on). I think that parenting like a boss (for me) is heavily dependent on making sure that I keep my kids (and my spreadsheet brain) covered in prayer.

A huge thank you to Christian Art Media for always sending us amazing goodies to inspire and build us up. So what do you guys think? Which of these do you have your eye on? Well, you could win one of them! Enter the rafflecopter below and keep your eyes on my Facebook page to see if you’re a winner.

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