Loving your rebellious child

Loving your rebellious child {Giveaway!}

Loving your rebellious childI was a rebellious child. Well, I was mildly rebellious. But I often wonder what on earth my parents were thinking when I fell pregnant at 19. Or when I went through my party till I die phase. Granted, I was pretty much a good girl, but I’ve had my moments of basically throwing my parents hard work and sacrifice right back into their faces. Fortunately, that soon ended… we all made it out alive, with our original teeth intact. But it got me thinking: what would I do if one of my kids started rebelling? Well, the other day, I picked up a brilliant book titled ‘Loving your rebellious child‘ by H. Normal Wright, that deals with this tough subject!

‘Loving Your Rebellious Child’ is not a “how-to” or a “quick fix”. There are no clever DIY tips and step by step tricks… which I appreciate! I mean, every child and situation is unique and if my kid was acting up, I wouldn’t want more fingers pointing me in the direction of “oh look, your child needs help”. Like, duh. Instead, the book offers valuable insight and talking points that will help you to determine how YOU can become the best parent for your prodigal child.

The author focuses on the many emotions that parents may face, when their children are facing a storm. The first chapter helps you to identify if you have a Prodigal (referring to a rebellious child). Things like parenting guilt, how to respond to your child, preventing and intervening in difficult situations, and even the important topics of forgiveness and restoration, are covered.

loving your rebellious childI especially loved these practical pieces of advice, that kinda EMPOWERS you, as a parent, when you are faced with what seems to be a helpless situation:
1. PRAY. Don’t think “oh I really should pray”. Actually do it.
2. Don’t orchestrate their ‘rescue’. Let them learnt on their own. Your child needs to learn from their own mistakes, instead of relying on mommy and daddy to bail them out all the time.
3. Love them unconditionally.
4. Learn how to let go.
5. Let other people help you. Don’t be afraid to use this as a time for personal growth.
6. Always keep your door open! Keep lines of communication open, with your child.
7. Create opportunities to spend time with them.
8. Keep a sense of humor.

If you’re a parent who is faced with the challenges that comes with loving a rebellious child then this read is for you. Norm knows what it’s like to love a rebellious child, having experienced it first hand. His book serves as a wise companion, coming alongside to bear the pain, understand the struggle and to offer insights. The book is available at CUM Books.

GIVEAWAY: Win a copy of H. Norman Wright’s ‘Loving Your Rebellious Child’
Thanks to Christian Art Media, I am able to give a copy of this phenomenal book to few My Spreadsheet Brain readers! To enter simply drop me a comment below, letting me know why you’d love to win a copy for you (or a friend).

Make sure you’re subscribed to this blog, so that I am able to contact you if you’re a winner. (To subscribe, enter your email addy in the box on the top right corner)

Winners will be announced on my Facebook page on Monday, 6th November.

Congratulations to Stacey Meyer, Jessica Watson and Simone Human


  • Mbali

    Awesome giveaway… I love reading and i’m raising a daughter whom I worry if she will listen and do what I tell as she grows. From reading the advice you mention this is an awesome book to read….

  • Stacey

    Hi Luchae,

    I would love to win this book for a very close friend of mine. I have entered before but never got my goodies. 🙁 I think this book will help my friendo a lot, she is a teacher to special needs kids and she has a little girl, that by all means carries the Middle-child syndrome so well. I think it would be a good read for her and hopefully she can find some interesting ways to deal with MCS 🙂 Lots of love. Stacey M

  • Simóne Human

    I’d love to win this book to add to my arsenal of tools for helping my son grow up as happy and whole as possible. Raising humans is hard yo!

  • carike

    I would love to win this book because reading Christian books is my way of trying to prepare myself for those parenting moments when you just do not know how to answer!

  • Jessica Watson

    Hi Luchae
    I’d love to win this book as growin up was tough and raising kiddies in a biblical way ain’t easy either, as we learn along the way!

  • Laetitia

    Hi i would love to win this book as raising kids in this day and age is pretty challenging. Notwithstanding the fact that my son is now in the terrible 2 stage, and has a will of his own. This book will make for a good read. Thanks

  • Alanda Osborne

    This is a fantastic giveaway. I must admit I was a very rebellious teenager after my parents divorced and blamed my mum..I gave her so much stress and worrywith late nights and rude behaviour. I npw have 4 kids of my own and my eldest daughter is showing sogns of rebellion.my mum and I are much closer now and are still working on our relationship. It would be a fantastic chance to help my daughter before her behaviour gets out of hand.

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