Tips and tricks

Day Zero: The day the taps will run dry {And 10 ways you can save water}

It sounds very “end of the world movie starring Will Smith” but authorities have recently reported that our water resources are running low… yep, we are on the brink of facing Day Zero. And by on the brink I mean, they say it’s going to happen in the next few months. What is Day Zero, you ask? Well, it’s the day when most taps will be turned off and residents will have to queue for water due to drought and water shortage. There has been no relief for our looming water crisis and authorities have urged residents to continue to be water smart. I mean, can you imagine not having flushing toilets? If you haven’t begun to conserve water, I urge you to do so now. To help you do this, I’ve put together a bunch of really cool tips on how you can get your household to conserve water.

In the kitchen
1. Keep the plug in the sink to collect any extra water (which can be used for rinsing). If you have a double sink, consider leaving a plastic bowl in one of them, to catch any water that can be reused again.
2. When washing dishes, save the water to mop the floor afterwards. Rinse washed dishes in a tub of water which you can reuse to water the garden.
3. Save a small container of water in the fridge to wash fruit in. Water the garden once you’re done.
4. Using paper towels (and not cloth towels, that may need to be washed afterwards) is a good way to conserve water.
5. If you’re using a dishwasher, wait until it is fully loaded before switching it on.

day zero

In the bathroom
1. Save your bathwater and use it to flush the loo.
2. Only flush the toilet when absolutely necessary. Some moms have allowed their boys to urinate outside. Yep, the struggle is that real!
3. Use a facecloth to clean your face, and a small cup of water to rinse your mouth, instead of a running tap.
4. Take a shorter shower or hey, have a competition to see who can do it in the shortest amount of time. When showering, turn the tap off while you’re lathering yourself, and turn tap back on to rinse. Want to be extra? Take a bucket with you into the shower, to catch any excess water.
5. Share bath water (usually the kids will hop in first, and the adults later).

Moms, are you teaching your children how to be water smart? Are they aware of the water crises? Are they treating water like the precious commodity that it is? I certainly do hope so! If not, that’s okay. You can always start today. Consider turning it into a little game to see who can save the most water, or come up with the best ways to save water.

If you have any great water saving tips, please do share them below or on the Facebook thread on my Facebook page. We’re in this together guys.


  • Leanie

    I have just read your post and yes I also live in Cape Town. We have used water sparingly, since I was still in Primary School. I remember that I first have taken my bath and afterwards it was my sister in the same bathwater. Then afterwards my parents will use the same bathwater. we have only bath once a week, during the week your only wash the bare necessities. Secondly you don’t need to wash your hair every day. You are just causing more harm than good. every two weeks, if you have very oily hair use powder to freshen up your hair or these days there are also dry shampoo, but not everyone can afford those expensive luxuries. All our bath water and washing water from the machine goes to the garden. All the dishes are being washes by hand. Thus saving plenty of water – we have never had a dishwater. My Mother saying was it’s only a lazy housewife that make use of that. We only flush the toilet once per day. If it’s yellow let it mellow, otherwise you may flush.

  • Diana Studer

    That picture hurts, washing a fork under running water ;~)
    Also helps to read Tom Brown’s weekly posts. Each Tuesday when the dam levels are announced.

  • Letitia Venter

    I love the tips Luchae! I’m going to incorporate them into our household.

    We’re already collecting the shower water for flushing. I just feel so nervous having buckets of water standing around in the house with a Toddler. I keep the door closed at all times but I still feel nervous.

    We’re also making some plans to collect rainwater. It’s a costly project tho but at least we can use it in years to cone to water our garden.

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