Nailing those New Year’s resolutions
Tips and tricks

Nailing those New Year’s resolutions with Uber Eats

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a host of unfulfilled New Year’s resolutions under your belt. You know, the ones that you are not proud of. Like “get into shape” or “get out of debt” or, let’s be honest, “get out of that toxic relationship.” Resolutions are a fickle thing. We make ‘em, we break ‘em, we allow ourselves to feel like a failure because of ‘em. Who came up with this concept?! I need to speak to his manager!

The truth is this: reaching your goals is a journey… not a destination. Rushing to get there won’t help you to fulfill them, you guys. With this in mind, I decided to break down my 2019 resolutions, into easy steps, so that I don’t end up feeling like I want to drown in a bag of Niknaks when December hits. Here are my resolutions for 2019:

Healthy Mind

In 2019, I want to be less stressed and more focused on the important things. But instead of just hoping that I’m all of a sudden going to “feel less stressed”, I’ve decided to make monthly goals for myself, that include things like going for a full body massage and eliminating unnecessary commitments. It gets easier when you break it down into bite sized chunks, I promise. I also want to try to minimalize my daily to do lists… so that means less frantic cleaning of the house and more chill time on the couch and ordering meals via Uber Eats! The Uber Eats app has 100s of restaurants listed… so there’s something for everyone! Winning already.

Healthy Relationships

I really want to focus on establishing a deeper bond with my kids and my Hubstopher this year. As you guys may know, hubby and I do regular #dateyourspouse updates and I have so enjoyed getting to know him again, through our monthly date nights. I was thinking of doing the same for my kids. I mean, there are four of them, so it can get a bit difficult to keep track of who is going through what. Regular quality time dates, with each of our kids could help with that. And it all starts with being intentional every month! I’m talking about an after work rendezvous while the rest of the family orders in via Uber Eats. The cool thing is that I can schedule their orders and pay beforehand, or get them to pay cash. So everyone feels loved and taken care of. I’ve got this mom thing waxed.

Healthy Body

I’ve let go of the “be as skinny as possible” dream because it makes me break out into hives. Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to have rock hard abs?! Instead, I’ve decided to focus on being healthy. This includes fitting some form of physical activity into my weekly routine and yep, eating better. Thankfully, Uber Eats has partnered with Kauai… I mean, how amazing is that? Freshly prepared, healthy meals, delivered to my office. It kinda takes the pressure of it all off my back. Uber Eats also allows you to save your home or work address, for quick and easy food deliveries. You can also stay in contact with your Uber Eats driver, via the chat function, on the app. So no “food getting lost” scenarios. Super helpful when you’re starving at the office!

Do you have any resolutions for 2019? Have you tried out Uber Eats yet? Let me know in the comments section below.

Disclaimer: This post was written in collaboration with Uber Eats


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