my spreadsheet brain
My spreadsheet brain

Blog stuff: 2018 in My Spreadsheet Brain {With a sweet giveaway!}

So we’re two weeks into the new year and I feel the same way I did last year. Don’t you hate when that happens? I mean, it’s 2018 for crying out loud! It’s time to shake things up. I’m gonna make a change (uh) for once in my life! (I hope you read that in your Michael Jackson accent). Anyways, in an attempt to freshen things up in my spreadsheet brain, I thought to chat to you guys a bit about my blog. And yes, I plan to give away a little hamper to thank you for reading. But that’s not the most important part. The most important part is that you get to have a say about how we do things around here. That’s right! I want to hear what you guys think about the blog, what you want to see more of and more importantly, what you don’t want to see at all.

I started the blog in 2011 when I realized that my Facebook status updates were just not cutting it for the amount of things that I wanted to say. This increased dramatically after the birth of my very precious, very sassy, baby girl. I mean, I had been a mom for about 12 years before Karis, but guys I swear my “mom game” increased dramatically after I had her. Soon my blog was filled with a whole bunch of mommy related content and my Parenting category was born. I realized that, hey look, I’m a bonafide mommy blogger! I don’t mind though. Mommy bloggers rule the world.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I also enjoy chatting about how much my hubstopher annoys me. The Marriage category is filled with marriage mantras and wifey tales and I must say, it is quite popular. I love that so many of you can relate though! Fortunately we don’t have to be the “perfect wife”… we only have to be exactly what our respective husbands need us to be. But that’s another story for another day.

I’m a bit irky about the Nail Art category. Guys… on a scale of one to Cyril Ramaphosa, how much of a come back do you think my nail art posts needs to make, in order for you to think it’s cool? I feel like my nail art days are behind me, and I’m not sure if I should reawaken the beast. The nail art beast. Hmm, where am I going with this? Anyways…

You’ll notice that I post quite a bit about my faith under the Heart Matters category. That’s because I am the first to admit that although it’s great to have a relationship with God, the truth is that human beings are MESSY. We get it wrong all the time! But the wonderful thing about grace is that He gives us a chance to try again… and again…

I enjoy chatting about our beautiful city under the Nelson Mandela Bay category. I’ve partnered with Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism to bring all the coolest news and activities happening in and around our city, straight to you. I do love punting this place though. #sharethebay

The Tips and Tricks and Reviews categories are pretty cut and dry. But I must say, one of my favorite categories has to be the My Spreadsheet Brain one, where I basically word vomit all the stuff that goes through, well, my spreadsheet brain. My mental space is a whole other country, you guys.

So that’s the blog in a nutshell and here’s where you come in, beautiful people. Complete the poll below, and you could stand chance to win a special My Spreadsheet Brain hamper complete with some of my favorite stuff from 2017. I’m talking books, CD’s, some beauty goodies and something to help you #sharethebay with me.

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