
Everybody come see my new hair

This post is a few days late, but I had to dedicate a whole blog post to my new look. Why? Well, Coco Chanel says when woman cuts her hair, she is about to do something super duper amazing (okay that was part Coco Chanel, part “I cant remember so I put my own words in that quote”). But you guys, considering the fact that my hair has been the same length and color for most of my adult life, changing it was a big deal to me, okay? There, I said it. Don’t judge me. Well, if you’re going to judge me, only do it quietly behind my back, please. Kidding! Where was I going with this? Oh yes, my new hair. Well, this is the story all about how my life got flip turned upside down…

If you’re still around after that horrendous intro (complete with incorrect Coco Chanel quotes and a Will Smith rap piece) then you must really love me. So hello, friend! Let me tell you, the past few days have been straight up ridonkulous. For starters it was ECMeetUp and with that came enough craziness to render a successful Dr Phil reboot. But also, I decided to chop all my hair off on Friday. (And by “all”, I do mean “a little bit of it but it feels life changing okay?!”)

Why the big chop? Well, my hair has been breaking off so much that I pretty much freaked out like, alot (for those of you who sat through countless Instastories of me talking about my hair, I salute you). I do think that my brittle hair was due to postpartum hair loss coupled with the recent onslaught of grey hair. Guys, if I didn’t tell you before, let me say it now: my grey hair is poppin’ AND they seem to be duplicating. Let’s just say I became intimately acquainted with boxed hair dyes recently and yep, the ammonia has definitely damaged my tresses.

Enter: Michelle Kritzinger, the “hair whisperer” over at Stylish Steppers. You may recall, I’ve chatted about Michelle and her super powers a while ago. I am ashamed to admit that Friday was my first visit to her salon. Shocking, I know. Especially since half of Nelson Mandela Bay knows her and swears by her expert fingers. Anyways, Mish took one look at my hair and was like “we’re going to give you a whole new look!” Insert the loud, screeching “aaack” right here.

One thing I appreciated about Michelle is that she shared SO MUCH knowledge and information with me, while she was seeing to my mane. I’ll be sharing more about that soon! But for now, I can tell you that she decided to cut off all my dead hair because it was definitely weighing my tresses down. I think Michelle kept some of the length, because she didn’t want to give me a heart attack. She’s so kind.

She also decided to give me a lighter look because of my grey hair. She explained that the lighter your hair, the easier it is to conceal those grey hairs, when they come in. (Duh, Luchae.) So I might be going even lighter than this, over the next few months.

new hair

How do I feel about my hair? Well, guys, let’s be honest. I love the whole Kardashian look. I love having my hair long and dark (and easy and basic). I don’t have the time or energy to worry about styling my hair every morning. BUT I do love the versatility of this look. I do feel a bit more spunkier and a sense of freedom. Will I cut it again? Not sure. Do I love the color? Yep, I think a change from the all black was good. Would I recommend Michelle of Stylish Steppers to my friends? Heck to the yes!

So what do you ladies think? Do you like my new hair? Anything I should change, when I go back to Michelle next month?


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