Nelson Mandela Bay,  Tips and tricks

How to take care of color treated hair

If you’ve been following my hair journey, you’ll know that chopping off my hair was a very big deal to me. But it was something that needed to be done. I mean, what’s the point of long hair if it’s not healthy? Anyways, if you can recall, I’ve been calling Michelle of Stylish Steppers a “hair whisperer” since like, before I was born (so dramatic) so it just made sense that I would ask her to fix my hair problems. Mish not only chopped off all the kaka hair, but she also gave my hair a super dramatic color change. I visited Stylish Steppers again this weekend and she vibed up my color, once again, and gave me a couple of amazing tips on how to take care of color treated hair. Here they are:

(Disclaimer: Please note, all of the selfies in this post was, in fact, taken in my car in some random parking lot while strangers passed by and looked at me as if I am a mad woman. Which I am.)

Cut, cut, cut!
Trim your ends with every second color. Mish always tells me that in order to grow your hair, or keep it healthy, you need to go for regular trims to get rid of those damaged ends. And don’t forget, you have to trim your ends each time you touch up your highlights. Peroxide and ammonia weakens the ends of your hair and can cause split ends. Snip, snip, girl!

How to take care of color treated hair

Treat that hair!
Regular moisturizing treatments are recommended. Stylish Steppers offers the Mega Sleek Treat… guys, this stuff is amazeballs! It contains shea butter which helps to seal in that moisture and it makes your blowdry last for much longer. Your hair feels sleeker and more nourished and with continuous use, you’ll see a huge difference in the condition of your hair. Mish suggests you treat your hair every 3 weeks.

Protect your color!
Invest in excellent color-protecting products. The right ones will form a protective layer over your hair shaft. Sulfate-free shampoos are always a good choice. Mish says that your hair only absorbs those natural oils (coconut/argan etc) if it is mixed with a treatment base (like your conditioner). If you want to apply natural oils to your hair, donot simply apply it to dry or wet hair! For the best results, mix it with your regular conditioner and use as you normally would.

How to take care of color treated hair

So what do you think about my new color? Have you ever gone for a big hair change? What would you like to change about your hair right now? For more from Stylish Steppers (They have LEGIT specials, you guys! Like, seriously, sometimes I wonder if her prices are for real or if it’s a typo!) check them out on Facebook.

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