Pure Beginnings

Bath Time with Pure Beginnings

Bathing my kids has become a mission, you guys. I mean, for starters, there are two of them under the age of four. And secondly, they are both crazy-busy! Bath time with us usually means Kari trying to wash her Barbie dolls hair, with her favorite Pure Beginnings shampoo, while Jonah puts a bar of soap in his mouth as he simultaneously attempts to sit on his sisters head and make a poo. I’m not even joking, this has really happened.

But, with all the scooping of baby poop out of the bath, I’m so glad that I don’t have to worry about what’s in my kids bath products too. We’ve been using the Pure Beginnings Organic Baby products and I’m totally smitten with this fantastic smelling, all natural, locally produced, organically certified product!

The Pure Beginnings Baby Wash and Shampoo comes in a squish top bottle (which has been especially helpful in monitoring how much wash Kari puts on her Barbie). I love the mild, clean aroma and, I know this is a weird thing to be thankful about, but I appreciate that we can use as much of it as we want, as often as we want. I mean, you guys, when you’re bathing two kideos at the same time, you can’t guarantee that the soap will go where you need it to go. It goes, like, everywhere. Everywhere, you guys. Pure Beginnings is filled with nourishment and none of the bad stuff, so I’m okay with it going everywhere, if you know what I mean.

And yes, when I say “bad stuff” I mean things like: Synthetic colorants and fragrances, sulphites, parabens, petrochemicals and phthalates and basically all the other swear words in the organic vocabulary. Nope, none of those in your Pure Beginnings products. How legit?!

Pure Beginnings ToothpasteKari has been enjoying the Pure Beginnings Vanilla Mint Toothpaste. It tastes really lekker too… I’ve been told… Okay, okay, fine, I’ll admit, I tasted it! A few times. But that’s only because she often complained about the previous toothpastes that we’ve tried. This delicate Pure Beginnings paste is free of harsh chemicals. It has a mild, pleasant taste, that will have your kid’s pearly whites looking all…er… pearly white!

I love that they’ve extended their range to now include the Pure Beginnings Biodegradable Wet Wipes (with organic aloe) and a Pure Beginnings Baby Bum Cream that also has organic boabab. The wipes are really fresh smelling (yes, it’s a thing) and the bum cream has a creamy consistency, goes on well, and protects your kids bum-bums, while nourishing it. I mean, hello, your kids bottom is delicate and you should avoid using harsh chemicals in that area, at all costs!

And talking about costs, you would expect a quality all organic product, such as Pure Beginnings, to cost a pretty penny. But it really is affordable, yo! You can shop online at Faithful to Nature store or check out the Pure Beginnings website for a stockist near you.


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