NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids

Cooking with NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids

Can I let you in on a little secret? When it comes to the kitchen, I’m not exactly a cooking maven. In a nutshell, I have the culinary prowess of a french poodle. Ironically, I’ve noticed that my kids seemed to really enjoy spending time with me in the kitchen. They find the measuring and mixing particularly exciting and we usually end up sharing stories and silly moments while cooking up a storm.

So I was particularly thrilled to receive a special drop from NESTLÉ, introducing us to the NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids initiative. This global campaign champions happy, nutritional moments of togetherness between parents and kids. I mean, our kids do what we do. What better way to encourage healthy eating, than by doing it together?

It’s been proven that by getting kids involved in the prep of their meals, you are able to help them to adopt healthier eating habits that include more veggies, fruits and diversified protein sources.

I love that the NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids campaign strives to help 50 million children lead healthier lives by the year 2030. Their response to this very real need is to launch more nutritious foods and beverages worldwide to answer children’s nutritional needs, while providing nutrition education through school programs, as well as everyday tips and healthy recipes for parents.

These healthy recipes come in a super fun recipe storybook called Sam Dreams,  with lead characters Sam and Nandi. I mean, storytelling is a fun activity, anyways, so what better way to get your kid thinking and talking about eating healthy than by speaking to their imaginations?

Using our NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids recipe storybook, Kari and Jo tried their hand at yummy flapjacks and healthy muesli bars. Both were a definite win!

Read up about the NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids campaign and download your very own NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids recipe storybook on the NESTLÉ website.

You can check out Kari and Jo’s cooking skills here:  

NESTLÉ Nespray Big Moon Flapjacks

NESTLÉ Milo Treasure Chest Muesli Bars

Disclaimer: I collaborated with NESTLÉ and participated in the NESTLÉ for Healthier Kids campaign

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