2021 Grateful
Heart matters

2021: Grateful

Much like the rest of the world, I start off each year with a new motto/word/vision… because, in a nutshell, my aim is to not end the year the exact same way I started it.

I mean, how morbid would that be? This isn’t a season of Bold and Beautiful, you know, where we never age and we basically live out the same storylines over and over until Brooke steals our husband.

Life – God’s glorious design – is filled with bumpy rides and smooth roads with the sole purpose of, well, adding some scenery to our journey on earth. Sometimes a change in route is all that is needed to change the course of your journey. (Ooh I should tweet that).

Anyways, cryptic life lessons aside, my lesson, after the whole 2020 shpiel, is that I have so much to be thankful for. And that is why my word for 2021 is GRATEFUL.

Yoh, I’m so grateful to still be alive, you guys! Despite all the stuff I don’t have (like a mansion, a private yacht, abdominal muscles) I have so much to be thankful for (like my health, my kiddos, a job, all my own teeth).

I told you guys about the friends and family members that we had lost last year (9 in total). It would be a crying shame if their deaths did not have an impact on me. But, instead of focusing on the loss, I’m focusing on all of God’s goodness. God’s kindness is unfailing – even in death, even in sickness, even in the middle of a pandemic.

I am so thankful!

And to remind myself that I have a lot to be grateful about, I would like to give back, every month this year. It will be my monthly reminder to count my blessings! 2021 Grateful will be a year of reflection and a year of blessings!

I want to be a blessing to other families. And I want to shine the Father’s love into other peoples lives, even if it’s in a small way. Like I said, we (you and I) have so much to be thankful for. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.

So, if you’re feeling me G, I’d like to encourage you to do the same. Find someone new to bless every month this year. Allow this to shift and change your mindset, especially when you find yourself thinking about everything that you’re lacking. And remind yourself of God’s provision and that despite all the negatives in the world, you still have so much positives going for you.

2021 GratefulOkay, so this is the game plan for 2021 Grateful:

  1. Find a person/family that you would like to bless/help each month
  2. Put together your gift (whether it be money/grocery’s/a pair of shoes for a homeless person, a blanket during winter. You don’t have to break the bank!)
  3. Include a note, letting them know that God loves them and that they are amazing
  4. Make sure they get the gift, but, try to do the drop off anonymously
  5. Don’t post about it on the socials because no one needs to know

Are you up for the challenge?  I hope so!

2021 will not end the same way it began. We are able to change lives and spread a little bit of kindness and love, albeit it one family or food parcel at a time.

Header image taken by Cutepix Photography


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