Tips and tricks

Five Black Friday shopping tips you need to know!

Once a year I impress myself with my Black Friday shopping skills. Whaaat – I am my own biggest cheerleader, okay? And anyways, who has the time (or moola) to go on that festive spree in December? First of all, I can’t wait that long and I don’t foresee myself spending copious amounts of time standing around in shopping malls. I want to shop and I want to shop now! Secondly, uhh that’s what that Black Friday sale is for, my friend! So when I discovered that Superbalist will be having a Black Friday perfume sale, I had to get in on that. But it got me thinking… whether it be food, clothing or perfume, Black Friday sale etiquette must be observed at all times! Yes, there is such a thing. And yes, there is a clever way to do Black Friday. And, duh, I’ve come here to tell you how!

Five Black Friday shopping tips you need to know!

1. Make  a list

So, first things first, you might want to make a shopping list. My list is usually filled  with those Christmas gift ideas and a bunch of luxury clothing and electronic items that we’ve had our eye on throughout the year. It helps to also list the usual retail value of the goodies, so that you can figure out if you’re actually get a good deal or not. By the way, the list totally helps me to not overspend!

2. Timing is everything

Starting early is the only way to go! While most online stores release their Black Friday specials at midnight, some may kick off earlier! This means that those hot products may sell out quickly. If you’re shopping for toys, you may want to get in on the Black Friday sales as soon as possible, because Summer toys usually sell out very quickly.

3. Compare prices

Make a list of retailers who are selling the same products that you are after. If you are doing online shopping, I would even recommend you bookmark the various websites, to help you stay on top of things. Having a list of stockists on hand will mean that you don’t miss out on that highly sought after product if your retailer of choice runs out of stock. It will also help you to compare prices, so that you get the best deal possible!

4. Shop online

I feel like it’s a no brainer – online shopping is the way to go, for Black Friday promotions! What’s more, you can even sign up for early reminders, so that you can get in on those specials asap! Tip: Open online accounts beforehand and save your shipping or payment details to your personal profile, so that you can complete purchases swiftly. You can even create a wishlist, on your favorite site, which will make it easier for you to see when that item becomes available or when the prices drop.

5. Check the return policy

So this one is a biggie if you’re purchasing clothing items or electronics. Make sure you study up on the return policies and fees – eg. will you be liable for shipping fees, if you want to send an item back. While most online stores offer at minimum a 14 day return policy, you might want to double check that the policy entitles you to money back, credit or an exchange.

Happy shopping!

This post was sponsored by Superbalist

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