5 Ways to use UNO through Education
Tips and tricks

5 Ways to use UNO through Education

When something is colourful and fun, a child is able to participate without too much effort, allowing them to relax and embrace the opportunity to learn. Uno is a fantastic way to create a platform for this. While using the different ways mentioned below a child will absorb different skills through playing the game, giving them the opportunity to master different skills like counting, memorising, matching, building, creative thinking and using their gross and fine motor skills. Here are a few activities that could be used with your set of Uno cards.

5 Ways to use UNO through Education:

Teach Kids about Matching: For Children 1 to 4 year olds.
We are surrounded by colour and observe it daily therefore it plays such a big role in our emotions. Colour is also the most important factor in design and creativity for preschool children and even for children up to ages 7 to 8. While some colours stimulate, others lead to relaxation, comfort, tiredness or sometimes anxiety. The reaction to each colour originates from our subconscious. From birth, colour plays a large role in visual development. As kids get older it will stimulate their minds and later on assist with educational skills.

Here we need to recognise the different colours and be able to separate them accordingly. Have your child paint 4 different colour paper plates. This is not just creative and fun, but painting allows them to use the muscles in their hands as well as assist in holding their paint brush and working with paint and water in the correct manner. Playing relaxing musing while doing this activity will assist with relaxation and creativity. Once you have coloured all 4 plates and they are dry. Let the child use the deck of cards to separate them according to colour on the plates.

For 4 -6 years you can do the same activity but add the numbers to be matched for the child to recognise different numbers on the cards, also placing them according to colour.5 Ways to use UNO through Education

Teach Number recognition: For Children 2 – 6 years
Matching and sorting activities help children to develop a range of thinking skills and build the foundations for later concepts. Use a peg board and pegs for this activity. Let the child take a card from the pack, then peg the right colour as well as the number of pegs on the board, according to the card drawn. One main use of a pegboard is to improve fine motor skills for toddlers, this task does not come so easy. To grasp the peg and successfully place it in a small hole is a big accomplishment for most toddlers. Adding the Uno cards to this activity allows then to practice some maths while having fun.

This can also be done with older children 6 – 10 years, using 2 separate cards to add, subtract, divide or multiply. They will then use to peg board to peg the correct answer. (Alternative boards or coloured items can also be used for this activity)5 Ways to use UNO through Education

Find It: For Children 2- 10 years old
Player will draw a card from the pack. Once turned around you need to run as fast as you can, finding items with the same colour as on the card, as well as however many items as the number shown on the card. This game allows creative and fast thinking. Remembering where they have seen objects in the house or class that would match their given colour. Thinking out of the box and planning to successfully complete their task.  This activity will build stamina and aids muscle development. For younger players it allowing excitement as well as a feeling of achievement when they come back with what was asked for. When little ones play, always make a fuss and congratulate them.

5 Ways to use UNO through EducationMaths Challenge: For Children Ages 6 – 10

Mathematics challenges teaches number confidence, improves memory and quick-thinking skills. Kids will find enjoyment through a game instead of having to use a worksheet to finish their activity. Giving them the opportunity to change their perception of learning about numbers in a positive way. Playing with numbers will provide the child with a practical and tactile experience.

What you need to do is: first use some string to create a “washing line”. Get some washing pegs and draw or paint your own maths cards like these.

Draw cards from 2 different decks. Hang your first card then an ‘add, divide, multiply or subtract symbol and then your second card. Then allow the kids to work out the answer.

This list of activities was sent to me by Brand Alley. Find more fun ways to learn here

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