
Being the parent of a purpose filled child

I’ve become a vote-hogging-fiend.
All because of the beauty that is my daughter.
Yes, I am now one of those “Please vote for me!” people.
But hey, guys, please vote for me! Hahahahah

Comfort, Living&Loving and Jet Stores are looking for a beautiful babe to grace the cover of the December issue of Living&Loving. This babe will walk away with amazing prizes and will be featured in a cool spread in the magazine.

I’ve entered my curly girly into the competition, simply because, like any mom, I think that she is the most beautifulest babe in all the land!

When she was born, I spent almost a whole week in a funk… the doctors had given us some not so good news with regards to her thyroid not functioning properly. I remember thinking, “Oh Lord, this is not what I wanted for my perfect baby girl!”
The thought of her living a life where she had to struggle totally broke my heart!

Fast track 10 months later and she is healthy, super smart and growing so amazingly. I can only attribute it all back to the faithfulness of God. When I think about those dismal few days when I prayed fervently over her, with tears in my eyes, I can now see how every prayer has been answered!

We, as parents, have the responsibility to cover our kids in prayer. There are so many premature deaths happening all around the world – young lives taken before their time! I pray that my kids (and yours!) will not face premature death and that every single purpose on their lives will come to fulfillment.

God is faithful. He is alive and He hears our prayers.
This the honest truth that I have seen happening, first hand, in my own life!

As parents of children who are full of purpose, promise and expectancy, I pray for the wisdom to always know when to push and when to protect!
I pray that we will know which doors to help open and which doors to keep shut!
And I pray that we will always be the best example that we can be for them!

I am so excited to be this girls mom and I am looking forward to seeing her live her life and walk out every single purpose she was designed for!

BTW if you’d like to vote for my Karicurls, please click HERE, find our pic (it’s the same as the one below) and click on VOTE. You only do it once but once is enough 🙂 xxx

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