
The nice doctor said I’m in labor and I laughed… {1st Birthday Celebrations}

Our curly girly turns 1 on the 31st October, and we’re spinning around in circles, like “huh?! did that just happen?!” For the next few days, sometimes in my blog, but mostly in my head, I will be reminiscing on my glorious pregnant days and all the prep that went into making sure the transition from womb to world was an amazing one.

Ever wake up and feel like, this is it. Today something big is going to happen! Well, that DID NOT happen to me on 30th October 2014. It was a normal day of maternity leave, but this time I got to see my curly girly on the screen at my gynaes office! As I’ve said before, I loved ultrasound days, because I was able to see my curlys little arms and legs moving around and hear her precious heart beat.

A day or so before that I had felt a slight tummy rumbling or 2. Not exactly cramps. More like, okay I need to use the loo now. So, when I went in for my check up, I mentioned this to my gynae, who did a check (with his fingers. I hated those!) and told me “You are in labor! You should go the labor room right now! You are 4cm dilated already!”

SAY WHAT?! I just laughed! Keep in mind I had been trusting God for a supernatural birthing experience. I wanted it to be filled with joy and happiness and not miserableness and pain (so to say). So I had to tell myself not to be shocked that I don’t FEEL like I’m in labor. I felt great, actually! I told the doc this too. He was a little shocked that I wasn’t in any pain or that I felt nothing at all. I managed to convince doc that I am okay and that I’d prefer to go home and if anything changes then I will get myself to the labor room asap. He told me that if there is no change by 6am the next morning, then I should book myself in. It was a deal.

I went home, washed my hair. Hubstopher washed the car and went for a hair cut and a shave. (He said he wanted to look good for our Curly). Our domestic was in for the day, to spring clean (again). And I went over all the check lists to make sure we were 100% ready. My daddy and step mom came over for supper that night and I cooked and washed the dishes even, unperturbed!

That evening, we sent our sons away (that sounds awful), with promises of a surprise by the next evening. I had a nice long bath, and got into bed. My hubstopher, in all his sweet excitement, grabbed his guitar and stole my heart by playing and singing beautiful songs of worship and thanksgiving to God. It reminded me just how much I love him and why I chose to spend the rest of my life with him.

It was such a tender moment – one that I will always cherish and remember. And it was in that moment that I felt like, this is it. Something big is going to happen tomorrow! And my heart was ready for it.

serenading while im in labor

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