Tips and tricks

Gift ideas: What to put under the tree this Christmas {featuring Melanie Blignaut}

I love Christmas! But I don’t love “uhmming” and “ahhhing” about what to get my family and friends for Christmas. So I’ve called in the experts! As a build up to the most wonderful time of the year, a few of my blogging buddies have agreed to share their ideas on amazing Christmas gifts for the whole family. Check out their picks and please, by all means, feel free to choose something special to put under MY Christmas tree too 😉 

Melanie blogs over at Wind in a Letterbox and I really admire all the crafty things she gets up to with her darling little girls Angie (5) and Emmy (3). She is a homeschooling mom, who loves the Lord, so all their crafty attempts usually have a lesson tied to it – I love that! I cant wait to try some of it out with my Curly one day.

Mel always comes across as really sentimental, much like I am, so I was really eager to see what she has up her sleeve this Christmas.
Here are her favorite Christmas gift list picks:

CDs and DVDs: Always a great gift idea! 

For my special someone
My husband is a movie buff, so he’s always happy when I buy him the DVD of a movie he really likes and doesn’t already own. I usually put a DVD or CD in his Christmas stocking, and give him something more personal for his actual present. I haven’t yet decided what I’m going to give him this year, but it might be something handmade, like this date night jar I made for his birthday or something the little boy in him would love, like this light saber torch or Darth Vader action figure. If I go with a personalised, handmade gift then I get bonus wife points for the “one of a kind, made especially for you” aspect. Also, I know I’m not buying him something that he might already have (like a CD that he may have on his iTunes account). If I get him something for his inner child, I also get bonus wife points because, well, what little boy hasn’t dreamed of his very own light saber? 🙂

Outdoor equipment for the kids maybe? Photo:

For the kids
I’m not going to mention the F-word, because my girls (Angie is 5 and Emmy is 3) have enough Elsa and Anna paraphernalia for a lifetime. I always give some practical things in their stockings (like new toothbrushes and loofahs) as well as fun things (like stickers and hair accessories). For their big gift, I’ve been thinking of getting one of these mini trampolines. Okay, to be honest, this gift is mainly for me. As in, “Go jump away that excess energy before you drive me nuts.”

For me
I’ve been thinking that I might like to have a Kindle. (Even though I said I would never, ever, not in a million years get one. Never say never.) I’ve got the app on my laptop because I’ve discovered there are tons of free kindle books on Amazon, but I don’t want to sit reading books on my laptop.

If someone were to gift us an all-expenses-paid trip around the world, that would be amazing. 🙂

Photo: Joburg South

Special mentions  
I like to give homemade cookies to our friends and family at Christmas. Last year, I made gingerbread cookies; the year before, sugar cookies. We usually buy clothing for our nieces (because shopping for little girls is just such fun).

What are your favorite gift ideas, this Christmas? 

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