Nelson Mandela Bay

#ecmeetup topics: the importance of social media

Social Media

So as the 14th of May draws closer (yes, I am aware that it’s still March) Elle and I excitedly prep for our very first (and soon to be annual) Eastern Cape bloggers get together. The #ecmeetup has all kinds of wonderful things awaiting us such as the droolworthy brag bags and really awsome special giveaways (That I’m not allowed to win. Suddenly this job has lost it’s spark) thanks to our amazing sponsors. The #ecmeetup topics are also a great drawcard and we can’t wait to learn.

But more importantly we will be able to connect with other like minded blog fanatics and learn important stuff from industry insiders, such as Megan Botha (who has only been blogging since, like, yesterday but already has quite an impressive following) and The Herald’s digital editor and social media maven, Dorette de Swart. (You can learn more about her over on JustEllaBella today). Dorette will share her knowledge and expertise on the importance of social media, and we will learn tips and tricks on how to grow our social media audience.


I think it goes without saying that a solid social media presence can be beneficial to the growth of your blog or business. In a rather bittersweet turn of events, we now live in a world that is pretty much driven by social media and the truth is that it’s is not going anywhere. Social media is here to stay. So you could either try to ignore it and brush it off as “new age” or you could harness it and use it (safely) to your advantage!

Your social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, Pinterest, you name it) can help you to generate traffic (cyber feet) to your websites and is a great way to network with your customers/readers or potential clients. They get to know you and you get to know them… it’s perfect, actually. The crazy thing is that in this digital age, people LONG for interaction and for REAL. I think that (as lame as it sounds) networking on social media can help with just that.

Your social media platforms can also be used as a marketing tool. I mean, hello, how many times have you seen ideas on Pinterest or outfits on Facebook that you suddenly had to try/have? It’s all about the visual and definitely helps with word of mouth advertising (think party planning moms who want to hire a jumping castle). It’s such an easy way to create a buzz around your website/blog site/business and is an easier point of reference than a www is. People prefer checking you out on Facebook before anything else. Building an online presence will help to get your business and brand out there, and will make you more visible to companies who might want to work with you.

But, all of this takes time and know-how, which is what the lovely Dorette will chat to us about. You’ve got to get in on this! Please drop me an if you’d like more deets on our upcoming #ecmeetup. You can also chat to – she’s super helpful and nice too.

If you’re not in the Eastern Cape, no sweat!  (3kids2dogs1oldhouse) is arranging a Cape Town meet up in (guess where) Cape Town and (harassed mom) will be hosting a Jozi meet up on the same day too! Their event will take place on April 9th and I’ve heard that seats are going really quickly so you need to think quick and act fast! Hope you make it to one of them!

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