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The Lunchbox packs your kids lunch for you! {Giveaway}

Imagine my extreme joy the other day when I opened a special delivery from The Lunchbox, tears streaming down my face as I behold the 21 pre-packed lunches that promised to make my mornings a little bit more tolerable. (I didn’t actually cry, but my heart was catching feelings, okay.) I don’t know about you guys, but mornings around here are not one of our favorite things to experience as a family. Let’s not forget the fact that I barely sleep anymore, anyways. So I’ll take all the help that I can get, thank you very much. The truth is that whether you have a new baby or not, time management becomes a big deal when you’re a parent! You’re always looking for ways to do things faster (and cleverer), without compromising your kids quality of life. Moms if you’re feeling me, say “preach girl!” And then reader further because you need to get your hands on The Lunchbox  and I need to tell you how you can enter my giveaway!

the lunchboxThe Lunchbox is a dream come true really. This service sends you 80 wholesome snacks per month, pre-packed into 21 lunch bags, with juice, ready for your kid to grab and go. Each lunch bag contains three food items and one drink. I love that the food items are healthy AND tasty because aint nobody got time for tasteless food, yo. Each days bag is packed differently (because variety is bae) and you’ll find a combo of carbohydrates (but the good kind), protein, fats, minerals and vitamins in each. Some of the yum goodies include health bars, biltong, nuts and dried fruit.

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To be honest, I did not only use the lunch bags for school. I found myself “grab-and-going” when we were en route to church, or the mall, or anywhere that would require a snack in my bag (because restless children will settle down with the right snack #parenthack). It has been a lifesaver! And guys, it’s not just for kids! If you’re on a healthy eating plan or follow a strict Banting diet, well then the adult lunch box option is for you! The Banting box contains 20 lunch bags, each containing four Banting friendly food items. Very, very kwaai. For more information check out their website.
But hey, guess what, my friends over at The Lunchbox would love to have one of you amazing My Spreadsheet Brain readers test out their service. That’s right, one of you could win a one month subscription to The Lunchbox! Whoop whoop!  If you would like to enter the giveaway, simply follow both entry prompts below.

1. Subscribe to this here blog by entering your email address into the box on the top right hand side of this page. Already a subscriber? Great stuff!
2. Drop me a comment below letting me know how awesome I am. Only playing 🙂 Let me know what you love the most about this concept. (Uh, how about EVERYTHING!)
Competition closes on August 25th at midday. Stay tuned to my Facebook page to see if you’re the winner.

Update: Congratulations Astrid Samuels!

Do you follow me on social media? I’ll be checking you out over there. But like, as a friend, not as a stalker. I promise. You are welcome to follow me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and share my The Lunchbox posts over there.


  • Carly Clarke

    Will definitely cut my time in half not having to think of healthy snacks to send with to school and everything is pre-packed and numbered so how awesome is that especially with fussy little eaters .

  • Megan Hartwig

    Packing school lunches is the absolute worst thing to wake up to every morning… this would make my life.

  • Kim Muller

    I love how simple and convenient this is. Would make life so much easier when baby comes along. PS: You are freaking awesome!

  • Carolyn Augustus

    You have to be the awesomest! (if that’s even a word) I love the convenience, the fact that it rids me of the guess work and most of all that it’s sucjua healthy, balanced lunch.

  • Tertia Burns

    The absolute convenience of this concept is awesome. It will mean I get so sleep 30 minutes longer in the morning by saving me from having to make and pack lunches!!

  • Shaakira Ajam

    I love that this is convenience at its best. My kids are picky eaters, my husband as well, and I’m banting, so all of this makes soooooooooooo much sense. I normally do all my preps in the evening for the next day; it takes up so much time, especially that i have to prepare separate meals for myself, my husband, and my kids. These lunch bags would take up no time at all. love it!!

  • Jenny Nieuwehuys

    This has to be the best idea ever. When my grandchildren come to me after school, its always a battle to get them to eat something healthy. This would work perfectly.. A well balanced and healthy lunch before dinner time 🙂

  • Alida

    I’ve been stalking The Lunchbox on Facebook since like forever, I just haven’t had the opportunity to subscribe yet. Am especially eyeing their banting box for my diabetic hubby.

  • Astrid Samuels

    This definitely saves a lot of time and effort in packing snacks/lunches. It’s quick and convenient and will definitely help me save time in the morning as I have a 7 year old in Grade 1 and a 3 month old baby who keeps me so busy.

  • Astrid Samuels

    I love that it saves a lot of time and effort in packing lunches, especially for me. I have a 7 year old in grade 1 and a 3 month old baby, so our mornings are crazy. With prepacked healthy snacks, it will be so much easier and quicker to pack in the morning. Ps. I already subscribe to your blog and follow you!!

  • Nicol

    As a single mom I battle to balance meals so I just make quick sandwiches and throw in some biscuits. No tine to do washing cleaning shopping and keeping fruit fresh weekly too. These box ideas are perfect for me as I would get all thats need in a day and wont have to dry my brain thinking of what I need to do and plan for my son including washing clothes dishes cooking dinner feesing anumals cleabing house and room …. Yoh this would help

  • Tarryn Jonas

    Grab and go is the way to go!!!! As a mom of three kids under the age of 5 lunch box prep made easier would be a MAJOR yummy, life and time saver 🙂

  • Talitha Thomas

    Besides having to adhere to the demands of little brother of 7months Skye is the worst person in the morning aside from being thee MOST fussiest eater EVER…So little to say mornings ARE NOT my favourite…I hate packing skye lunch because she doesn’t eat bread, she doesn’t want anything thats moist and By GOD it must not have any marks on it! If it isn’t water or a juice she returns it if it is the same juice 2 days in a row she will return it, if it ia Oros she will return it….My struggle is real with this kid…so i love this concept because i checked out their website and it looks like pretty much everything she does eat and would make my life a great deal less complicated and maybe have an empty lunch bag for once in my life

  • Jenna Richards

    Oh my goodness, this would be so lovely for when our new baby arrives next month! Love that I wouldn’t have to even think about this part of life for a little bit.

  • Andrea Thomas

    I spend 1 hour EVERY NIGHT preparing lunch and snack bags for my 2 daughter’s! Been able to “grab and go” would half my time instantly! I would be able to breathe knowing that my girls have healthy snacks fueling them the energy they need to function at school!

  • Lynn Botha

    Simply awesome. I have 2 kiddies, and every evening I debate with myself about what I am packing in for them.. and alot of the time it’s not that healthy.. and then I have that guilt because they stuck at aftercare after school and I want them to at least have something nice in their lunchboxes. This would really be phenomenal to try, and I will get some new ideas too.

  • Susan

    Three reasons why these are amazing:
    1) I’m lazy AF in the mornings so grab and go is right up my alley.

    2) pretty sure my kid will eat everything in these packs. Nothing more soul destroying than a lunchbox returned looking the way it did when it left…After carefully contemplating what to put in there in the first place.

    3) it’s healthy! Who doesn’t love health factor brownie points as a mom. At least it means getting something right haha!

  • rehana seedat

    This definitely saves a lot of time and effort in packing snacks/lunches. Very convenient. Love the variety

  • Toni-Leigh Davies

    I’ve been eyeing The Lunchbox on Facebook for a while now because it’s a much healthier option than buying from the tuck-lady who comes around to our office.

  • Noleen Miller

    What an awesome giveaway. Although I don’t pack the lunches – this will save my husband so much time and effort of thinking what to pack. So convenient.

  • natasha Herbst

    wow would love this my my angel he will be so lucky and will help so much in the mornings, dream come true

  • Zanda

    I love that the options are healthy and that there is definitely something everyone will like. It will save me a lot of time!

  • Adele

    Any mom needs a helping hand when it comes to packing lunches. Even I am tired of my own boring lunches … imagine how my teenager children feel . I definitely need to give this a shot!!!

  • Taryn Grimsel

    I run out of ideas for lunch
    I try my best to make it as healthy as possible to ensure Kieran gets the beat nutrition
    It would be great to see meals are packaged and cut out about 30 minutes of rushing around in the morning #extrasleepwelcome

  • Sumaya Abrahams

    I would love this! I leave for work at 5 every morning so its usually my mom who pack my daughters lunch.

  • Venean

    Love this concept, so quick and easy, will definitely make our lives easier! An make moms spreadsheet brain rest a little easier knowing so much healthiness is going into the lunch box!

  • Megan Keith

    I love how it takes away the pressure of figuring out what’s for lunch. It’s bad enough trying to figure out what’s for dinner everyday too! I love the convenience! Megan xx

  • Kirsty-Leigh Clarke

    This would make my morning soldiers (2 boys) slay through their battlefield (waking up, getting dressed, packing school.bags and get into the car one time), SO SO MUCH EASIER. Having a grab a lunch bag and go will stop the arguments of who wants what in their lunch boxes and that would mean extra minutes for mom to make a cup of coffee to start the day off on a good bean.

  • Adele

    Healthy but quick and easy = amazing!! Brilliant concept and will save so much time in the morning, as well as in the shop trying to figure out what to buy for lunches!

  • Simone Cameron

    Luchae….I have 3 kids…this is a MUST HAVE in my life. lol. Prays, crosses fingers and toes…and I mean, you have amazing hair. #JustSaying

  • Rumbarani Naidoo

    This is awesome and perfect and takes the stress of my worrying as to what snacks I should include in my little one’s lunchbox

  • tamryn

    Hi Luchae, I am a PR manager which means that I am constantly on the move. Between coming up with new campaign ideas, planning events, arranging giveaways and putting out fires, no two days are ever alike. I absolutely LOVE what I do, although I often forget to make myself a priority. Pre-packed snack packs will be one thing I can tick off my to-do list while practicing self care! x

  • Karen at MomAgain@40

    Would love not to fry up my brain each night coming up with new lunchbox concoctions. I am regularly told it is boring to only get toasted cheese, or whatever!

  • Angelique Barnard

    I love this idea! My daughter is a Gr 2 teachers assistant and currently have 2 boys aged 7 & 8 in her class, that doesn’t get lunch packed for school (due to financial reasons) , she often gives them her lunch. I just found out about The Lunchbox and I am planning to subscribe so I can order 2 boxes a month for these little boys 🙂

    Winning would also be a MAJOR help 🙂 (wink wink, nudge nudge 🙂 )

  • chastin dreyer

    I love that its a healthy option and that it allows a busy mom on the go to pack an effortless yet healthy lunch that your kids will love


    I would love to have more options for my toddlers lunch packs, she gets bored so quickly, just when I think I’m winning than BOOM. I love that this is both healthy and convenient

  • Sharmelle

    Because adulting is hard and being responsible for 2 kids and 2 adults is even harder. Because “have kids, they bring you endless years of joy” was a lie. They bring you endless years of joy, misery, heartache ( because they grow up so quickly), tears, emotions that don’t have words to describe them…. Because my oldest is in matric and on his way out to university and my youngest is 12 and doesn’t need me to brush her hair for school anymore. Because I need it

  • Cindy

    Major time saver. I am definitely a lunch packing gal and always looking for snacks and although my bub is not yet old enough for nuts and such his boobs (ie me) needs the extra fuel to keep me going all day!

  • Nadine Thomas

    The fact that it is pre-packed is lit!!! I dont even have to open it lol. Its very very very convenient. And have you ever noticed how much kids actually eats when its not mom-made? I love the packaging. Kids automatically think its take-aways lol which actually makes them exited to go to school with their pre-packed ready made lunch

  • Sharon

    Love love this idea! Have I mentioned how much I love it?
    Time saving, super clever and of course yummy healthy food for the kids or me.

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