
Get cybersmart and win R1 million in Bitcoin or cash


How cyber safe are you? This is a question I had to ask myself a few months ago, when someone tried to hack into my website, causing it to crash and be totally unresponsive for almost 2 weeks!

I mean, you wear a safety belt when you travel by car, you lock your security gate when you enter your home, and you have insurance to protect your valuables, but how are you protecting yourself against cyber attacks… Because they’re REAL! Ask the gentleman who proposed to me online, after finding a fake profile hosting my name and pics on a marriage site. It’s time to get cyber smart, friends!

If you’re a business owner, there should be an urgency to making sure that your computer systems, software and data are covered. King Price’s cybersure (cyber insurance for businesses) does all of this, and then some! I mean, cybersure includes cover for cyber liability, cybercrime, data breach expenses and even damage to computer systems and data, and associated loss of income.

With the massive spike in cybercrime, it’s time to think ahead friends. In just a few clicks, your business could lose everything. Cybersure can offer assistance in the event of fraud, hacking, phishing and scamming. And hey, if a cybercriminal tries to threaten you and hold your business’ info ransom, cybersure will cover the cost for a professional team to check if the threat is valid and will also help you pay the ransom demand if it needs to be done.
cybersmartWant to win R1 million in Bitcoin or cash?
Cybersure is giving away R1 million in Bitcoin or cash! No jokes. Have a go at the super fun (and super addictive) cybersure game to enter this sweet giveaway! The final round will be a LIVE knockout game, and you want to be there! Just head on over to and start playing!

Get cyber protection for your business! Contact your broker or call . Check out the King Price Insurance website for more.

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by King Price Insurance. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash .

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