Uber In-App Emergency Button

What do you know about the Uber In-App Emergency Button?

I recently learnt about the Uber In-App Emergency Button and, I must admit, the e-hailing service went from amazing to even more amazinger™ (words by Luchae) in my books!

At the end of a busy day at the office, nothing is more relaxing to me, than a scenic drive home. There’s something about the peace and quiet, after the bustle of a busy day, that hits me right in the feels. And, when I’m not driving myself home, I must admit I get a kick out of sinking into the backseat of an Uber, while the driver’s choice of music settles my mind. I mean, as a mom who works full-time, nothing beats a couple of minutes of “alone time” albeit in an Uber.

I’ve always felt safe during my Uber trips. And I appreciate that their safety measures are so stringent. I mean, with all the e-hailing services available these days, I take comfort in knowing that Uber sets the standard for safety by having over 20 dedicated features to ensure its community’s wellbeing.

For starters, Uber’s checklists (that riders and drivers must acknowledge before the ride), ensures that both parties are Covid-19 compliant.

The Check Your Ride protocol helps you to verify that you are getting into the right car. Riders have a view of the driver’s information, including photo, license plate and car make/model.

You are also able to share your location – giving a loved one access to your geolocation and ETA all in real-time!

With Uber’s Safety Toolkit, the app  houses all its unique safety features in one convenient spot. Identifiable by a shield logo, it can be found on the bottom right when on the app. Trusted Contacts and the in-app emergency button can all be accessed from this by simply tapping on the shield.

In fact, you are able to designate up to five friends and family members as Trusted Contacts, to be prompted to share trip details with them during every ride or night-time trips. How cool is that?

A key feature that certainly stands out is the In-App Emergency Button. During a ride, with the push of a button in the app, you can connect directly to private security and medical assistance when needed via a third-party supplier. This key feature sets the app high in my rankings as an option of travel (especially when alone), as a female!

Thanks to technology, Uber’s Ride Check can even identify rare events like unexpected stops or possible crashes, with its response team contacting you to check on your safety!

I mean, how’s that for riding with safety?! These safety measures, and the e-hailing services commitment to driver and rider safety, is what sets Uber apart for me, without a doubt!

This post was paid for by Uber South Africa

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