It's beginning to look a lot like
My spreadsheet brain

It’s beginning to look a lot like…

“iiiiiiiit’s beginning to look a lot like” … September. It’s September, people, calm down. And yes… when I speak to “people”, I’m actually talking to my spreadsheet brain (its a collective) because my inner Susan, and her sisters, wants to start digging out the Christmas decorations already.

The thing is this though… Christmas brings with it the over-the-top spread of cheerfulness that my soul wants to need it right now!

I mean, even though 2021 was not as much of a soul-suck, when compared to 2020, it still did it’s fair share of – errrrr – soul sucking. I need to feel some sort of renewed joy right now. We all do. Yes, even you Mark with the Merc.

To curb my enthusiasm (and mainly to avoid the wrath of a husband who is not ready for me to pump my Mariah Carey Merry Christmas album), I’ve dedicated my pre-Christmas time to making my lists (and checking them twice… whaaaaaaat).

Mind you – it’s not all wasted time and longingly staring into the sky, searching for signs that Santa Clause really does exist. (I mean, is there even a doubt?!) In true spreadsheet brain style, I am using this time to PLAN, my friends!

it's beginning to look a lot likeWhat am I planning? Well… Christmas gifts, for one. I figure that it’ll be super clever of me to begin my Christmas gifts shopping as early as possible. My December budget will thank me for this. I also want to use this time to stock up on Secret Santa gifts (we usually end up buying like 8 gifts for Secret Santa, because we belong to that many groups – its crazy! I mean, how many boxes of Clicks 2-for-1 chocolates does one really need?)

It’s also a really good time to begin your Summer fashion shopping. Winter is the BEST time to go Summer shopping for kids! I’ve managed to get the kids some new cozzies and summery items already and I suspect my Black Friday hauls will help to add to the collection.

Guys – I’m even investigating my Christmas lunch options. This year, the fam and I are considering eating at a restuarant because, let’s be honest, life is too short to stand around cooking huge pots of food and then to stand around washing copious amounts of dishes, while your pants button begs for mercy. Can’t do it. Won’t do it. Anyways – I am checking out the alternatives before they are fully booked.

Oh and don’t forget that January comes after December (amazing, I know, so mind blowing). But what I mean by that is that you need to start prepping for that “back to school” spending now already, Patricia!

Don’t be like Old Luchae, who literally waited a week before school started, to make all those purchases. Old Luchae almost had a nervous breakdown. Old Luchae should be no ones hero. Anyways, my aim now is to try to buy any replacement school uniform items before December, so that I’m sorted in January. You can do the same with stationary lists (tip: find the next grades 2021 stationary list and use it as a guide).

There are a bunch of other things that I’ve been doing, to prep for the end of 2021/start of 2022. (Whaaat don’t look at me like that Tiffany) You can check out that post over here. It’s filled with really good ideas, I promise.

I know I’m a  bit pedantic with planning ahead – but it jingles my bells, okay? Have you begun planning for the festive season?

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