hire a tutor

3 reasons to hire a tutor for your child

Kids have a lot on their plate, you guys! I mean, the extracurricular activities and buzzing social life alone are enough to drive any sane adult into a frenzy. Don’t forget to add that weekend sports match, music lessons, dance class and all the other extras that they do. Kids are pretty impressive if you ask me. Now add to that the pressure of keeping up good grades, and, well, you can see why I highly recommend hiring a tutor if needed.  

When it comes to my children’s education, I am willing to pull out all the stops to ensure that they get exactly what they need to thrive. Through years of experience (give or take 4 babies) I’ve come to realise that each kid has unique learning patterns and they each learn at their own pace. 

My child may sometimes need additional help – help that is unique to their educational needs and learning pace. As a  parent, I will always try to find ways to make it easy for my child to thrive in their academics. Not convinced yet? Well  here are 3 more reasons to consider hiring a tutor for your child:  


I’ve often left my kids to complete an assignment or homework by themselves, hoping that they are taking in as much information as possible. But the truth is that they are usually motoring through the work, wanting to complete it as quickly as possible, without really engaging with the content. A tutor can help them to focus on the task at hand, ensuring that the child understands the subject. Oh, and tutors are pretty ace when it comes to exam prep! Because let’s face it, Mom – we don’t always have the answer to those Trigonometry problems.  


A tutor is a great way to get your child out of their shell, and into a thinking space. The right tutor will create a  comfortable learning experience, where the child can ask questions without being worried about getting them wrong. With a private tutor, learning will become a journey that the two of them take together. One-on-one time. and a great rapport between the child and the tutor may even increase your child’s confidence.  

hire a tutorEfficiency 

One of the things that I love most, about a private tutor, is that the time spent is being used purposefully. You know that your child’s problem areas are being tackled gently and productively. You are also able to pinpoint the subjects and curriculum that your child may need extra help with. This is also a great way to help your child to get the basics right,  which goes a long way toward understanding more complex topics of the subject.  

When choosing a tutor for your child, make sure to do your research first! Over 25,000 parents have trusted Teach Me 2  for 14 years! Teach Me 2 provides a premier in-person and online tutoring service to learners and their families worldwide. Our goal is to help families prepare their kids for life by giving them confidence in areas they have struggled.  Our service also provides first-time jobs and is a valuable source of income for tutors. We are passionate about developing people. 

Disclaimer: This post has been sponsored by Teach Me 2.

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