936 Pennies
Parenting,  Win!

936 Pennies: Discovering the joy of intentional parenting {Giveaway}

The thing about children is that they grow up so flippen quickly. I mean, one minute you’re staring down at your perfect bundle of joy and marveling at their newborn freshness and the next, you’re hunting down a bundle of – uh – poop, that your toddler has left for you in a misplaced nappy. It’s all fun and games really. But my point is that it goes by so quickly! How do you make the moments count? Well, for Jojo’s birthday play date I gave a few of my close friends a copy of Eryn Lynum’s wonderful book, 936 Pennies, and asked them to have a read through it and let me know if it’s given them new insight into how they parent their kids.

Eryn’s story
On the day of their baby dedication, Eryn and her husband were given a jar of 936 pennies. The jar contained a penny for every week they would raise their child until graduation, and they were instructed to remove one penny each Sunday as a reminder, placing it into another jar as an investment.

At some point every parent realizes time is moving swiftly, and they ask themselves, How am I investing in my child? Through personal stories and biblical examples, 936 Pennies will help you discover how to capture time and use it to its fullest potential, replacing guilt and regrets with freedom. Meanwhile, your kids will see how simple choices, like putting the cell phone down and going on a family hike, will make all the difference. Together you will stretch time and make it richer.

Craft a family legacy in tune with God’s heartbeat as you capture a new vision for your children and learn the best ways to spend your pennies.

936 Pennies936 Pennies has been a great reawakening for me. I mean, I am one busy mama! I am involved with alot of projects and if I’m not careful, it can totally eat up all my time and leave nothing for my little ones. Are you like me? Maybe you’re not. Maybe you actually have all the time in the world (hahaha I know, right, that’s a nice dream) but you still don’t know how to make every day count. That’s okay. You’re not alone, my friend.

936 Pennies encouraged me to find my own penny jar and fill it with 936 coins. As you remove a coin each week, you are weighted with the value of each day… you begin to realize that every single moment with your child is SO important! I mean, there’s only 936 weeks between birth and 18 years! It really helped me to keep things in perspective and to be intentional with the way I spend my time. Here’s what my friends had to say about it:

“This book is unlike anything I’ve read regarding the time we have with our children. The figurative weight of the jar is thought provoking and challenging, yet the author leaves one feeling empowered and not so overwhelmed that you feel like the task is impossible. The most insightful chapter is “Derailed” (side note, the chapter names are quirky and unique) because having a newborn is teaching me this lesson – I might plan my day but most days my baby daughter determines what I will get done and I’m beginning to embrace it. Lastly I found value that the author makes special mention of parents who have adopted a child.” Bianca Smith (Pictured with baby Emily here)

“What a shock to realise how little time we actually have with our children. This book his teaching me how to grab every moment and maximize the impact on my children’s lives. I will definately continue to use the things I have learned. I have never before had such a visual illustartion of time. (I didn’t actually start my own jar. But maybe I will) It’s such a good idea. I recommend this read for very parent no matter how old your kids are.” Cindy Charles (Super mom of 2 by birth and a 3rd by love)


“Being a new mother i did not think i would be able to relate to this book, but i do….. The author is very real and forth coming which i love. I love the fact that scripture echos her thoughts. I especially related to the part in chapter 7 where she speaks about her fear of her son having autism…. When my Eden was a few weeks old to me it looked like she does not make eye contact and other ” signs” of autism. It was a real fear and im afraid i infected my husband, but we prayed about it and it took some time but we have no fear anymore……It’s hard to describe in a few line. But this book opens your eyes and serves as kind of a weapon to intentional parenting.” – Erroline Davies (Mommy to little Eden)


936 penniesGiveaway
What do you ladies think about the 936 pennies concept? Is it something that you’d like to try out in your own home? If you do purchase a book and give it a go, will you please drop me a comment or inbox to let me know how it’s helped you? Also, I have a few copies of the 936 Pennies book to giveaway! AAACK! Yes, I’m serious! I want to give a copy away to you AND a friend! To enter simply:
1. Make sure you’re following me on Facebook
2. Find the specially marked post on Facebook
3. Like the post
4. Tag your friend in the comments section
5. Share for a bonus entry (not compulsory)
Winners announced on Facebook on July 31st.

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