My spreadsheet brain

Throwback Thursday: Re-introducing Eliza Foogle

I’ve been blogging for many years.
I think 1Direction still attended primary school when I created this account.
But I did not start off as a “public blogger”. In fact, I only started sharing my posts via social media at the beginning of this year, when I blogged about breastfeeding and thought that other moms would appreciate my positive angle on it.

The more I think about it, the more I realize how down I was on myself, with regards to writing.
I mean, I wanted to write. I wanted to be a writer. But I did not deem myself worthy enough.
Even after my great revelation in 2011 where I realized that all I need to do to be a writer is to WRITE (so profound hey) I still held myself back, with doubt and negative “stinking thinking”.

I had started writing my first book in 2008 (I mentioned it here) – a quirky story about a nerdy teenager, Eliza Foogle, who, just like me, had the most randomest life ever. But alas, as with most things I start, I lost vooma. I mean, I had a lot going on in my life. So my focus shifted and I kinda just ditched the project.

And then after my “great writers revelation” I tried to pick up where I left off and wrote another chapter or 2. I decided to post it on my blog (even though no one would read it), as a way to hold myself accountable to finishing it. That never happened.

Today, while looking for something else, I discovered Eliza Foogle again. What a huge throwback for me!
It reminded me of the fearful girl I was back then and the brave woman I am today. (Self proclaimed).
I don’t know if I will ever finish Eliza Foogle. I may never write another chapter again. But I believe that sharing this draft is the first step towards unleashing whatever has been placed inside of me. As I’ve said in a previous throwback post, every passion planted in your heart, was put there on purpose. And it is our great responsibility to do something purposeful with it!

So, dear friends, it is with great joy and much trepidation and a lot of “I’m so scared right now”, that I reintroduce Eliza Foogle to you. Please be kind 🙂

Here’s a little snippet with a link to the rest of the original post, which I published on my blog in July 2011.

All my life, I thought of myself as being fairly smart. Not especially clever, but not stupid either. I knew the right side of up and could figure out most of the cryptic crosswords in my weekly glossy magazine. I was the kind of girl who shouted out all the answers while watching The Weakest Link every Tuesday night, but would stutter when asked a simple question, like: What is your name? But today, as I lay here on my kitchen floor with apple pie clinging to my long dark hair, surrounded by broken records, torn photographs and an aging Beetles t-shirt, I realize that I am not smart at all. I, Eliza Foogle, am a silly silly woman…” to the original post

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