My spreadsheet brain

My week in pics: micro fashion, bridesmaid dresses and nail art

This week feels like someone literally took a drive down to a garbage dump, chose a few items, wrapped it up and wrote “Luchae’s week” on it. But then I check out my week in pics and realize that I am being an Aunty Moana – I am blessed, God is good and I have so much to be thankful for!


For starters, it was Valentines Day on Sunday, and although we didn’t really do much since it’s Sunday and Sunday is church day, we were really excited to find a special Valentine card in Curly’s school bag! With it being her first year in “school” and all, I got all emo and excited, realizing that there are probably lots more hand made stuff in store for us! I guess that’s the difference between raising a boy and raising a girl… right? Kyle’s never been the “Oh look what I made for you!” kinda child. Unless we’re talking dirty dishes. He makes loads of that.


Speaking about church, church was real good on Sunday! I love how God motivates us to dream big, grow tall and be exactly who He called us to be. Oh and see Curly’s Sunday outfit above. The girl looked totally fetch!

IMG_20160215_122223My nails this week were inspired by the fact that I was alone at home and just received a call from Hubstopher saying that he was en route with all the kids! I love making polka dots on my nails coz it’s so quick and easy and it always looks adorbs. You can achieve this look by using a toothpick or even a hair grip. I know, right? The colors you see above are both from Sinful Colors – Mint Apple and Easy Going.

IMG_20160213_114025Our close friend, Risa, is getting married in November and I am honored to be one of her bridesmaids! We went to choose our bridesmaid dress designs this week at the very whimsical Hoiden boutique. Hoiden owner and designer, Este, allowed me to fit on as many dresses as I wanted (score!) and I eventually chose a beautiful, elegant blue — wait, let me not give too much away! Risa chose Hoiden because she loved the bohieman, romantic theme the dresses are designed around. So excited to see the finished product!
IMG_20160216_132323 We also went to see my dressmaker, Clare at Bridal Flair, about Risa’s wedding dress. And guess what I found hanging there, looking all sad, as if it’s missing me? My wedding dress! I had it “made to hire” because I didn’t want to keep it after our wedding. (Spoke more about on Wednesday). Anyways… I had to give my old friend a hug and a kiss. Sigh. Memories!

IMG_20160218_070212As I said the other day, my baby girl has not been well. She had a crazy fever coupled with a runny tummy and and and. But I am so proud of this girl… it did not break her spirit and she seemed to be even MORE talkative, while she was ill! I was fortunate enough to spend alot of time with her this week. So thankful that I get to comfort my kids when they need comforting. Some moms are not able to do that.

IMG_20160207_191137 And then can I throw a shout out to her amazing big brother who never says no, never complains and ALWAYS has time for his baby sis? Child’s Rights Activitists please don’t throw your shoes at me but this boy cleans up after her, plays silly games with her and is always willing to look after her, if I need to use the loo (as regular human beings do). I am blessed!

And finally, a lovely post in the mail from Jaclyn at Schnooky Pie – an exclusive and Proudly South African baby clothing brand. Everything (including the package itself) was beautiful and Curly and I can’t wait to show it to you guys next week, over on the SA Mom Blogs page!

That’s all from me, for this week. I’m hungry. Chicken pops anyone?



  • cat@jugglingact

    I love that plumb colour dress you have on in the photo! Hope the Princess is way better soon. Enjoy the weekend

  • Loren

    Love the little outfit – so sweet! Your nails are pretty, polka dots are always super cute 🙂 I hope the little one is feeling better!

    Loren |

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