My spreadsheet brain,  Win!

Preggy update: The need to relax

I need to relaxAs far as pregnancies go, I’m super duper tired. But like, more tired than you’re actually envisioning in your head right now. My body feels as if it hasn’t slept in a week! I need to relax ya’ll. If you’re feeling like I am (with or without a baby in your belly), then this weeks Rain Africa giveaway is for you.

I’ve been so fortunate to be able to indulge in some of Rain Africa’s delectable bath and body ranges. There’s nothing like a hot, bubble-filled bath after a long day of trying to stay awake. I need to relaxAnd the struggle to stay awake is REAL because this baby-baking thing is draining, guys. DRAIN-ING. The excessive hunger and exhaustion is proof thereof! (And my facial expression in this photo says it all.)

In fact, I started feeling a bit loony toons because, really, how hungry and tired can one pregnant woman be?! Until we visited my OBYN the other day. She was like “woah! this baby is big!” So that explains it then. Our tiniest Williams is actually a humongous Williams! Hence the need to relax! Babys due date is the 2nd of June and I am SO keen to have my first “Winter baby”. I think that being on maternity leave in the heart of Winter has all the perks in the world. Hello blankets and cuddles, while watching the rain fall down!


I’m trusting God for a supernatural birthing experience again. I plan to give natural birth (well, as natural as can be) and am confident that the size of my baby will not affect that in any way. But I totally get why people say that every pregnancy is different. I remember the warm fuzziness I experienced when I was pregnant with Kyle and my curly girly. The fuzzy feelings are back, but it’s made its way to my head, causing it to always feel like I need to take a fat nap. But other than that, all is well.

I need to relax
Pic: Rain Africa  (this is not the prize)

Oh and did I mention that I need to relax? Well I do. And to celebrate the fact that I’m tired (haha, but no really) I am giving away a Rain Africa hamper as part of our Christmas Crazy giveaway. Follow the rafflecopter prompts below and check out my Facebook page on Monday, 19th December to see if you’ve won.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  • Simone Cameron

    My 3rd was awful….I literally could not wait for it to end. I wonder what’s wrong with those women that love being pregnant. lol. I just stressed all the time…and was sick.

    So cute…the scan. Are you planning to find out the sex? I hope you get your supernatural awesome birthing experience that your heart desires <3

    Awesome giveaway….I LOVE Rain. The scent when you walk in there…. it's just so clean and lovely…I can't explain it. Fingers crossed for this one. It's my birthday next week so maybe I'll be lucky.

  • Kim Muller

    Maternity leave in winter is THE BEST!!! It’s planning the birthday’s that follow that’ pain. Good luck with the tiredness!

  • Leanie

    Their product smells really great – Rain – so close to the nature – peaceful – what we all need now, to relax and to recharge our batteries!

  • Leanie

    Their product smells really great – Rain – so close to the nature – peaceful – what we all need now, to relax and to recharge our batteries!

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